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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Oppressed

And why they are oppressed.

Or at least some of them.

"Stick it, lady."

The fit this chicken seems to be having is actually her taking a dust bath in one of my flower beds at the wool house.

I'm the one having the fit.


Alice said...

I think the chicken is helping you dig a hole for planting new seeds. I thought only chinchillas took a dust bath. Does the chicken have an identity crisis?

thecrazysheeplady said...

Nope, they love dusting. Chickens are also more notorious for destroying gardens and flower beds than helping them. Mostly by digging for bugs and worms, but it was so dry yesterday that it was perfect for a bath. She wasn't the only one in trouble. Just the only one I caught on film.

Anonymous said...

What a leisurely bath! She was finding a nice light snack to eat in it. I remember more energetic dust baths, but that would have been in summer. The chickens created those dips in the ground and used them over and over again which killed all vegetable growth. Chickens are not as bad as peacocks for destroying gardens, I understand. ; )


Shirley said...

Good thing you hadn't planted anything yet! Love the bird sounds in the background.... c'mon spring!

Gayle said...

Exactly why I kept (and will keep my new ones) mine locked up. They sure can have fun in a garden, can't they.

flowerweaver said...

Big Bird, my Buff Laced Poland, decided it was time for a bath yesterday, only (being once again in need having her 'bangs' trimmed) chose a muddy hole. She emerged with the stuff all over her chest and beard looking quite funny!

Ed said...

LOL! I love watching birds do that, pheasants do the same thing..:-)

Jenny Glen said...

We call that a "spa day" at our house when the girls go outside on nice sunny days to have a refreshing dust bath.

DayPhoto said...

Mine drive me crazy because they also like my flowerbeds! I put down fences so they can't, but they figure out how to move them. GRRR!


Joanna@BooneDocksWilcox said...

you can kiss the flower beds goodbye. Like your hen, I'm just eat up with Spring fever :-)

Christine said...

hey, at least she was eating bugs while she was there. Can't wait until it's dry enough for dust. Still dealing with mud up here. I even have the tiny remains of a snow drift yet.