The Mia sized version of the Boudreaux sized blog. This is mostly a BACK UP BLOG and a smaller version for smaller screens if the main blog is too hard to navigate. For complete posts, giveaways, corrected grammar and punctuation, the "rest of the story" and any additional posts that might not make it over here for some reason, please check the BOUDREAUX SIZED BLOG :-).


Friday, September 2, 2011

Well That Was Handy

Or I should say convenient. I hope it's a long time before I have to say "was Handy". Yikes!

A friend called yesterday asking if I had any brown yarn. She was repairing a rug and needed something that would blend in. There are several "browns" over here so I was sure we could come up with something and told her to come on over and bring a sample.

A mix of dark brown, red brown and a little grayish white. Let's see... B. Willard and Marcel's lamb fleeces! I ran a bit of both one pass through the carder to blend it just a bit. It needed to be pretty evenly mottled.

I worried though that if I tried to spin directly from the pulled roving that I'd get stretches of solid dark and stretches of solid light, not a consistent blend so I ended up separating it back out and spinning one bit of each and then plying them together.

I spun both the singles and the two ply a little tighter than I'd spin for knitting or weaving so the yarn would be as strong as possible.

And ta-dah! I think it looks pretty close. The sample piece is marked with a star.

Score one for the hand spinners. You can't get that at Wal-Mart :-).


I'm gonna tell Mom! said...

I'd say it looks like you got it perfectly!

KatieB said...

Yep! You're good!

Pam said...

Well, it WAS handy! The rug has been repaired and the match is perfect. And, I got some chocolate out of the deal. And a chance to snorgle some big fat sheep. All in all a win/win situation, I'd say.

Nancy K. said...

Oh, you are GOOOOOOOD!

Have a Happy Weekend!!!

Lori Skoog said...

There you go, speaking in that language again. I'd say you were an expert at this.

Sheepmom said...

Man, you really nailed it! Keep that up, and you're going to get all kinds of custom orders to match existing yarn. Good job!

Michelle said...

Great eye and excellent execution!!!

Alice said...

I see the star! You got that fiber spot on!!!

Dreaming said...

How wonderful to be able to custom match the fiber - that's fantastic!

small farm girl said...

Good job!!!!!!

flowerweaver said...

Perfect and amen to that!