I did it! I completed the Pretty Thing cowl for the Knitting Olympics with plenty of time to spare to relax and watch Neil Young perform in tonight's closing ceremonies. And, along with whatever Franklin is cooking up, I earned a chocolate medal! Thanks, Alice :-).

In celebration (and because Saint Tim is a smartxxx mouth), team No-bake-istan decided to actually bake something (that Saint Tim doesn't like). With fruit! This is my favorite holiday dessert - Gingerbread made with fresh ginger, topped with poached cranberries - from my favorite cookbook, Fields of Greens.

Trying to photograph a baked good - with fruit - was about as much fun as the actual baking. I finally took it outside, for natural light, and decided...once again...to stick with knitting. By the way, if you look closely, you can see my reflection in a cranberry. If the cowl had shown up better, I'd have skipped this next shot ;-).

Okay, these next two pictures are mostly just reference.

Before blocking.

Pinned out after a soak in warm water with a touch of Fibre Wash and Rinse. I just love the smell of lavender. By the way, both pictures were taken in the same room, under basically the same light. Can someone explain why one is gray and the other brown?
In conclusion, I am very pleased with my first lace project. I am happy I completed it in the allotted time. I am actually happy I ripped it back three times to fix minor errors....and I'm proud my handspun held up for that many rip backs. Qiviut is apparently not only super, super soft, but strong as well. And there's still some left ;-).
For more fruity Sunday Stills...
To check out the other 4055 participants in the 2010 Knitting Olympics...

In celebration (and because Saint Tim is a smart

Trying to photograph a baked good - with fruit - was about as much fun as the actual baking. I finally took it outside, for natural light, and decided...once again...to stick with knitting. By the way, if you look closely, you can see my reflection in a cranberry. If the cowl had shown up better, I'd have skipped this next shot ;-).

Okay, these next two pictures are mostly just reference.

Before blocking.

Pinned out after a soak in warm water with a touch of Fibre Wash and Rinse. I just love the smell of lavender. By the way, both pictures were taken in the same room, under basically the same light. Can someone explain why one is gray and the other brown?
In conclusion, I am very pleased with my first lace project. I am happy I completed it in the allotted time. I am actually happy I ripped it back three times to fix minor errors....and I'm proud my handspun held up for that many rip backs. Qiviut is apparently not only super, super soft, but strong as well. And there's still some left ;-).
For more fruity Sunday Stills...
To check out the other 4055 participants in the 2010 Knitting Olympics...