The Olympics can't be over. I still have hours of unwatched coverage on our DVR! Sigh.

At this point the only thing Olympic about the
Jester sweater is that I refuse to give up. To be beaten by knitting smarter than me. Trying to figure out my own patterning that fits into the maths of stitch counts, decreases, length... Sigh.

Then, the sleeves that were supposed to be hemmed picot (like
the Crazy Esther cowl) but looked so nice before hemming that I decided to leave them as they are and, boy, wouldn't the bottom look cute like that too? Yep, just because the sleeves didn't roll...well, you know how this sentence ends.
Blocking will only help a little. Or maybe I should say temporarily. I'm wondering if I can pick up some stitches underneath and hide row or two of garter stitch to hold it flat. Any thoughts?

Basically it's a miracle I've gotten this far. I stewed and stewed and read and read and stewed some more and finally said, for Jester's sake, just. put. some. stitches. on. Knit on with confidence... And un-knit when it didn't look good, re-knit, un-knit when the sleeves got too long, re-knit, un-knit, re-knit, un-knit, re-knit...
I like the patterning now and the length isn't too, too long, but one sleeve is slightly tighter than the other one. I'm most likely the only one who'd ever notice, especially after blocking so I'm trying to "let it go."

Because at this point I've put poor Clair Bear to sleep. And we know how much cats hate to sleep all
afternoon day ;-).

But spending hours and hours on the porch isn't completely without it's perks. I got those
nice hummingbird pictures one day, the butterflies have been fun to watch and those
pictures of Comby were nice.

Sadly the pictures of Hank sitting out with his "kids" are just reminiscent of greener pastures. We are toasted brown here again. And still way too hot. And way too sweaty. And the flies are awful and I'm going to shut up now, because I'm putting
myself to sleep with all the complaining.
Actually, doesn't a nap sound really good right now ;-).
P.S. I'm ready to start the yoke patterning. Don't be looking for any further updates anytime soon. Sigh.