For at least the first week Renny was here, one of the first things we did when it was time to doctor her injuries was feel her foot. The injury to that leg was so significant that we weren't entirely sure she'd not lose it. As long as it had some warmth in it we had hope.

Now she's not only regained maybe 90% use of a leg I was sure, even if it didn't need to be amputated, would never work again, she's taken up mountain climbing.

And contemplating an excursion into the loft.

When she first got here, she'd daintily pick up pieces of hay, chew them, move on to the next piece. Living with Ewenice she's learned the art of burying her whole head into a pile of hay. And making a big mess.
The mountain of hay is actually a layer of several bales of alfalfa and a couple bales in front that they've had a big party tearing up. I should probably re-think the "let Ewenice and Renny have free range of the farm" decision.

Now she's not only regained maybe 90% use of a leg I was sure, even if it didn't need to be amputated, would never work again, she's taken up mountain climbing.

And contemplating an excursion into the loft.

When she first got here, she'd daintily pick up pieces of hay, chew them, move on to the next piece. Living with Ewenice she's learned the art of burying her whole head into a pile of hay. And making a big mess.
The mountain of hay is actually a layer of several bales of alfalfa and a couple bales in front that they've had a big party tearing up. I should probably re-think the "let Ewenice and Renny have free range of the farm" decision.
Such good news. Climbing is great therapy...the sweet girl!
For the life she has had until coming to your farm, I think she should be made to feel at "home on the range" with nary a "discouraging word". This is her merriest Christmas!
I'm so delighted to see her doing so well. It gives me the warm fuzzies.
I'm so glad she is getting better. She just looks so sweet.
I love it!
Awww...I LOVE Renny!!
TEAM RENNY! Yay! Thanks for sharing the miracle news!
She's so darned cute. And so luck to have you in her life.
I ditto everything said here about our Princess "Ebe".
I'm so happy to hear about Renny's excellent progress!
It's like a little Christmas miracle is happening on your farm. I think a big part of Renny's recovery has been all the love that you and your animals have given to her :-)
Whew. I'm so glad to read the last few posts on Renny's progress. How nice to have a friend to hang out with too.
Yay Renny! YAY SARA!
It looks like you are getting it done, Sara! Yea! Renny! Yea! Sara!
Yes, Ewenice has been a godsend. I'm sure she's been huge in Renny's mental health and healing.
YOU, my Dear, are a miracle worker!
Keebs better watch it...Renny just might knock his "most popular sheep" tiara into the dirt. Every post about her makes me smile. Maybe she needs her own blog? :-)
So glad she's feeling so good!!!! :-)
It was a very lucky day for her, when she found her way to your house!
Yes, Renny, there is a Santa Claus!!!
Good girl for not giving up the fight. Good Sara and company for giving you the chance. Every day is a gift and you keep on making Sara glad she tried to help. Someone long ago asked me why I tried so hard to save bottle lambs. I quickly replied that it mattered to them that I tried. There is simply no other reason--and living mattered to you!
I'm soooo happy Renny is doing great..:-)
Yay for Renny! I'm so happy for the girl-
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