My crazy friend Pam and I have taken advantage of the cool weather and have had a couple cookie and cracker parties with some of our favorite sheep.
Have you ever sat out in a green field surrounded by big fuzzy animals you consider some of your best friends?

Have you ever seen a sheep smile?

Fed a sheep a saltine cracker or a vanilla wafer?

Made a big stretch to make sure even a timid sheep got a treat?

Have you ever wished you could stand out in a green field, surrounded by your best friends, feeding them crackers with a loyal livestock guardian dog at your feet?

What about picked up a 6 month old lamb just to see if you still could...and knowing with those big ears and a clover stuck in his mouth that he'd make a funny face and you couldn't help but laugh?

Do you ever sit out in the barn (in a white t-shirt?!?) on a bed of straw and have in depth conversations about the proper face scratching techniques?
I know there are a bunch of us out there. Maybe even a few guys too. Saint Tim acts like he hates Graham Lamb, but I regularly catch him scratching his ears ;-).
Nancy, her sheep Dreamer (but not those chickens!) and I have been working on something fun. Dream's been telling everyone we should all remember to hug a sheep. What about a special day just for that? A National Hug A Sheep Day! For all of us crazy sheep bloggers who have been drawn together by a common bond, our silly sheep.
Want to join us?
We need some good ideas on what this might grow into. Here are some early thoughts. Please send us your ideas!
* I'm in the process of starting a flickr group where everyone can upload their favorite sheep hugging pictures.
* October 30th is a pretty special day on the sheep calendar (Punkin's birthday ;-) and happens to fall on a Saturday this year. Perfect!
* Nancy is going to host an open house on her farm that day and has all sorts of fun activities planned. I'll open the wool house here too.
* Should we compile a list and links to everyone hosting an open house, spin in...?
* Should there be a contest for best pictures? Best sheep story?
* What about t-shirts, buttons...?
* Should we try to benefit a good cause?
Send us your thoughts...
Have you ever sat out in a green field surrounded by big fuzzy animals you consider some of your best friends?

Have you ever seen a sheep smile?

Fed a sheep a saltine cracker or a vanilla wafer?

Made a big stretch to make sure even a timid sheep got a treat?

Have you ever wished you could stand out in a green field, surrounded by your best friends, feeding them crackers with a loyal livestock guardian dog at your feet?

What about picked up a 6 month old lamb just to see if you still could...and knowing with those big ears and a clover stuck in his mouth that he'd make a funny face and you couldn't help but laugh?

Do you ever sit out in the barn (in a white t-shirt?!?) on a bed of straw and have in depth conversations about the proper face scratching techniques?
I know there are a bunch of us out there. Maybe even a few guys too. Saint Tim acts like he hates Graham Lamb, but I regularly catch him scratching his ears ;-).
Nancy, her sheep Dreamer (but not those chickens!) and I have been working on something fun. Dream's been telling everyone we should all remember to hug a sheep. What about a special day just for that? A National Hug A Sheep Day! For all of us crazy sheep bloggers who have been drawn together by a common bond, our silly sheep.
Want to join us?
We need some good ideas on what this might grow into. Here are some early thoughts. Please send us your ideas!
* I'm in the process of starting a flickr group where everyone can upload their favorite sheep hugging pictures.
* October 30th is a pretty special day on the sheep calendar (Punkin's birthday ;-) and happens to fall on a Saturday this year. Perfect!
* Nancy is going to host an open house on her farm that day and has all sorts of fun activities planned. I'll open the wool house here too.
* Should we compile a list and links to everyone hosting an open house, spin in...?
* Should there be a contest for best pictures? Best sheep story?
* What about t-shirts, buttons...?
* Should we try to benefit a good cause?
Send us your thoughts...
I sincerely hope that I qualify as a Crazy Sheep Lady! ;-)
You should have told me that you were going to announce HAS today! I didn't directly post about it today but I did add it to my signature line... I'm thinking bumper stickers and T-shirts!
(Hug A Sheep!)
HAS ewe???
Well, I'm too far away to stop by any open houses or really be a part of it all, but I'd send in a photo of Daisy for sure!
Now I'm going to go out and see if she likes crackers! :)
I want a Crazy Sheep Lady t-shirt!!!!
I had a fun time, and everyone one happy to see you-they told me so!
Count me in :o). (My sheep butted me to the front of the line as they've felt neglected for the past month). I'll have an open house up here in Canada for any of you that want to come!
Can't do an open house on the 30th cause we'll be in No. Carolina, but I do plan one for sometime this fall. I KNOW I'm a crazy sheep lady (that might be one of the kindest things that's been said about me!)
I use to be..the pics brought a smile to a rather off day for me. Thank you Sara....*hugs*
Great post! I haven't had the pleasure of doing these things with sheep but have with my donkeys and it is a wonderful thing. I would love to try it with sheep too :)
Amy at Verde Farm
I will never forget the time my friend visited with her 6yr old son. He went out in the back yard with a handful of crackers, not realizing the sheep would jump the fence into the yard. And they did. And he ran screaming like a banshee straight into the house with 3 sheep running full tilt after him for his crackers! It was hysterical!!
I love the idea of a HAS Day, the world really does need more "crazy sheep ladies" and sheep huggers. It would be a kinder, gentler place.
Can Dreamer be the official site mascot? Let me know how I can help.
Of course I had to go check out Farmgirl Fare's sheep hug...and cookie recipe. That is EXACTLY how Miss Ewenice gives hugs every morning!
If I were closer I would definitely visit one of you for HAS day! For me, the sheepless one, just seeing pictures on your blogs would be wonderful!
Nancy in Iowa
Oh my gosh!!!! Laying out the welcome mat for the Wool House again this fall!?!? I will start buying vanilla wafers now, and get ready to hug me some sheep! WONDERFUL memories of the last one.
I don't OWN sheep, but I LOOOOOOVVVE sheep, and crazy? Many would say definitely, so I hope I qualify.
Tee shirts, buttons....I would wear mine proudly. If I may blatantly steal an idea from Mary Jane, who has the books and magazines, I have always loved the idea of her "merit badges." Just like girl scouts, we could have badges for various accomplishments (for example I can spindle, spin, knit, felt, etc.) and/or loves - sheep (natch) and any other fiber animal - photography, gardening, the possibilities are endless. I've just never known how or where to go to make such a thing. But collecting them and sewing them to a tote (hand-felted wool, of course) could be lots of fun.
Oct. 30 is going on my calendar right now!!
I think its a wonderful idea....I am game! Oct 30th is great as Fall is the beginning of sheep weather too. I will think of some ideas too....perhaps the t-shirts should have hoof prints on the back cuz if I am giving a hug to someone, someone else is always "hoofing" my back because they are waiting their turn:) It would be good to have a little picture link on all of our blogs too, baseball caps are fun too, lets see.........
Hey ~ I'm in.
Make sure to give me an assignment so I have to be there, okay? :o)
Love to you Sara & all!
I was just out with my sweet Finn Lacey and giving her lots of hugs today :-)
I can't give the ewes treats anymore because they have very bad manners and will jump all over me. How come your sheep have such good manners?
Oh no, I'll be out of town on October 30. And this I just can't miss! A benefit would be lovely--how about ovarian cancer research? There's a flock of sheep in NC that put on a dog trial (okay, the shepherd does) every year--every thing goes to ovarian cancer research at Duke. It's the Whistle for a Cure trial. Ovines for ovarian cancer research. Something to think about.
Well, I have two good arms that wouldn't mind helping and hugging sheep! What a novel idea!
Can I be a crazysheeplady if I dont' actually have sheep??? I have a LOT of "pretend" ones in my house! I would LOVE to help in any way for Hug A Sheep day!! I have sheep-shaped (say that 10 times fast) cookie cutters. I can make treats! October is Help Whip Cancer month for Pampered Chef. Could do a fundraiser to benefit a cancer foundation! I so wish I could be a real crazysheeplady... P.S. I LOVE the paw prints on the back of the tshirt idea!
Thanks for sharing the title...I suppose most people think those of us that are out hugging our woolies are a little bit crazy. I love the t-shirt idea! I'll do my part to promote the day as well. Wish we could come to KY to see your wool house and pick up some of Tonya's new mugs!
What a fabulous idea :) I was just thinking that having an open house would be fun!
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