I understand the "circle of life", but still didn't want to see her smooshed by a big dog foot or chewed up by a worthless porch cat so I carefully picked her up.

I posted the other day that I hadn't seen any monarch butterflies. Best way to see one? Put it in black and white that there aren't any ;-). I've seen several now and have enjoyed looking out for all the different sizes, shapes and colors of the many butterflies hanging out at our farm this summer.

This Eastern Tiger Swallowtail had hopefully had an enjoyable time here and done what she needed to do.

If part of her job was to brighten my day, she did just that. You just can't beat the feel of a butterfly resting on your hand. Look at the fuzz on her back.

I carried her up to the big butterfly bush at the wool house and sat her on a bright purple bloom. She immediately started drinking and I felt better about her final hours. So Saint Tim feeds the people (and those stupid porch cats) and I feed the animals.
Our own little circle of life.
You are blessed and by your blessing we are also.
Thank you.
Beautiful creature. Glad you were so kind. And thanks for sharing the photos. Haven't seen a one of those around here yet.
So kind of you to look to one of the least among us . . . To see the World in a Grain of Sand,
and a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand and Eternity in an hour (said the poet)
Very beautiful Sara.....*hugs*
How thoughtful of you to give the butterfly one last sip of sweetness before crossing the rainbow bridge :-) .
What a beautiful coloured butterfly and her tail is magnificent.
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