Well, I've gone and done it again. The phone rings. "Hey, I've got a bottle lamb that needs a home." You know the drill... No surprise.
I didn't allow myself to take on a baby earlier this spring because I knew with getting the festival off the ground I'd not be able to give it the attention those young babies need. These babies are several weeks old...but still babies. How could I say no.

I suppose if you are sleeping on your bottle, there's really no doubt as to what you are dreaming about.
I had reserved another lamb (NOT related to Graham Lamb ;-) from Dianne earlier in the spring. Luckily he was used to taking a supplementary bottle and could come over and get to work early babysitting the new lamb.

This is B. Willard. He's a 5 week old Border Leicester lamb with a big roman nose and kinda funny eyes, who walks around always looking a bit bewildered. B. Willard. Willard will be a fun name to grow into. He loves his new big brother.

I don't have a name yet.
We have several nicknames for him - Mongo (he's a big boy), Captain Underpants (He's pretty sure he's a superhero of some sort), Fatty McButterpants (more like it), Bitey (as in Homer Simpson "I call the big one bitey")... He needs a real name.
He's cute and very soft and has big droopy eyes and a smiling mouth with big chubby cheeks. He's kind to Willard, punched Hank right off the bat (those Sheep Dreams sheep are confident!), loves the ladies and is always busy. This is different from being a busy body...like Uncle Grammy (who loves the babies by the way - hey, we never said he wasn't sweet, just a busy body ;-).
Any thoughts?

Willard's just now learning to eat grass, but I think he's got a good start on it here. You gotta love those good role models.

And look who's keeping an eye out.
No surprise.
I didn't allow myself to take on a baby earlier this spring because I knew with getting the festival off the ground I'd not be able to give it the attention those young babies need. These babies are several weeks old...but still babies. How could I say no.

I suppose if you are sleeping on your bottle, there's really no doubt as to what you are dreaming about.
I had reserved another lamb (NOT related to Graham Lamb ;-) from Dianne earlier in the spring. Luckily he was used to taking a supplementary bottle and could come over and get to work early babysitting the new lamb.

This is B. Willard. He's a 5 week old Border Leicester lamb with a big roman nose and kinda funny eyes, who walks around always looking a bit bewildered. B. Willard. Willard will be a fun name to grow into. He loves his new big brother.

I don't have a name yet.
We have several nicknames for him - Mongo (he's a big boy), Captain Underpants (He's pretty sure he's a superhero of some sort), Fatty McButterpants (more like it), Bitey (as in Homer Simpson "I call the big one bitey")... He needs a real name.
He's cute and very soft and has big droopy eyes and a smiling mouth with big chubby cheeks. He's kind to Willard, punched Hank right off the bat (those Sheep Dreams sheep are confident!), loves the ladies and is always busy. This is different from being a busy body...like Uncle Grammy (who loves the babies by the way - hey, we never said he wasn't sweet, just a busy body ;-).
Any thoughts?

Willard's just now learning to eat grass, but I think he's got a good start on it here. You gotta love those good role models.

And look who's keeping an eye out.
No surprise.
I love "Mongo"! It's a great name and it'll fit him perfectly.
I was just glad to see a happy post. I saw the title and thought: "Oh no...do I want to read this if it's gonna make me cry?" Obviously, I read on and did not cry. What a fun surprise!
NOW I see my problem (oh ~ if only it were really that easy!). For some reason, the thumbnail from your post yesterday, entitled "memories", is still showing on my blog roll. Yet, when I clicked on it, it brought me to today's post, "Sheep Dreams".
I guess either title could have made me think it might possibly be a sad post.
As it is, they both turned out to be quite lovely.
Thank you!
He looks like a Peebo to me! Or a Ronald.LOL
So how are 'the boys' handling the newbys - and all the attention they get?
Congratulations, my dear! So sweet. What a face! McButterpants. Love it!
I can't compete with your ability to come up with charming names. I look forward to hearing what he's called!
They are so cute. How is Hank getting along with everyone now?
I got it. He's a big boy, and I kept looking at that face...
Sherman. As in Sherman tank.
Sherman might work! It seems to sort of go with Willard. And he's soft like Charmin...
You are just so my HERO!
OK I have never seen a sheep before that reminded me so much of the serta cartoon sheep, but this guy really does. Seems like he would be perfect with a big number on his side. I would prbably have to call him Serta. PS, I think the Serta sheep are darling, and him more so.
Fatty (with affection) Mcbutterpants sounds good to me.
What a cutie! Captain Underpants made me chuckle. No suggestions from me - I have a hard time naming everything.
Oh, this CAN'T be going over well with Keebs!
I like any name with BUTTER in it. Are they wearing SCRAPIE tags? The GOV't sent me some but my dwarf goat ears are too small.
With my desire to have lots of names I vote for Fatty McButterPants. McButter for short!
I'm so excited! I've been waiting and waiting for a new Keebs and Graham Lamb to brighten my lambless existence in Georgia. Last year, I was studying in England and fell in love with sheep too. I think Chester is a good name for a sheep, and if my boyfriend would've let me take one of their Dorset Downs, that's what I would've named him. Sadly, they are raised for purposes that would make your sheep quite nervous. Willard and Chester sound like two old men!
I vote for Sherman...cause he looks like Sherman without his glasses....you know ....Sherman and Mr. Peabody?
(Oh dear, I may have just dated myself.)
Lovely...little lambies!
What adorable additions to your family!!! I think Sherman is a name tied to dignity and size, but with the soft sound consonants, is quite fitting for the little bruiser. Congratulations!
Wow. Too much cuteness for one post.
I vote for Sherman. Little Shermie the sheep.
My first thought when you said Willard was Ren McCormack. As in Footloose. And Ren couldn't stand still (at least in the musical version, it's been a while since I saw the film). So if the new lamb is always busy, that might fit him.
I love Fatty McButterpants....but it is a mouthful! Butter would be a cute nickname.
Perhaps Ferdinand, after Ferdinand the bull. Kind and lovable. His eyes look like he has a gentle soul.
Oh my goodness! I think the naming confusion is getting worse. I really like Sherman (Shermie the Sheep) although Charmin sounds good too. I love the new sheep, but no sheepies will take the place of Keebler and Graham, in my book!
Well if he is a ladies man I say Romeo. ;) I do like Mongo, but I would think that his personality is a bit chipper for that, well from how you describe him. :)
There is always Butters too. LOL Not sure that you would want the South Park reference. ;)
Oh my - so cute!!! I like the name Sherman. Love those ears :)
Sherman does sound like Charmin!!
I am soo glad you have some new little or, more accurately, young ones. Way too cute, although I'm not sure anyone will ever beat Keebs in that category, with the way he cocks his head to the side. I like Butters, but there is that issue of the South Park reference. And we sure don't want to encourage any bad behavior. All in all, I really like Sherman best. It has a lot of personality. How is Keebs adjusting to the new additions?
I am soo glad you have some new little or, more accurately, young ones. Way too cute, although I'm not sure anyone will ever beat Keebs in that category, with the way he cocks his head to the side. I like Butters, but there is that issue of the South Park reference. And we sure don't want to encourage any bad behavior. All in all, I really like Sherman best. It has a lot of personality. How is Keebs adjusting to the new additions?
Mongo like Candy!!! Perfect name! Or maybe Cartman???? You have deffinatly upped the cuteness factor with these two..:-))
Captain Underpants made me scream. I can just see him racing around in a pair of Underoos.
What sweet, fat babes!
The name Willard makes me think of the movie and that makes me think of the Michael Jackson song of Ben.
Big Ben.
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