Black and white pictures of black and white sheep. Can't beat that ;-).

Elizabeth - who I've always claimed is the smartest sheep in the world...sitting on the hot, sunny side of the shade cloth... ?

Joshua. This looks like a depression era shot to me. Or maybe just Joshua looks depressed. Or oppressed. Because the heat has been so oppressive... Ugh.

Crazy Esther, back in the midst of her peeps after being kicked out of her retirement home by the new black and white babies.

Ewen McTeagle and Boudreaux.

Emily and Caspar Belly (aka Spooky Tooth). Mother and daughter still hang tight. Always.

Speaking of hanging close, the cutest couple in the barn, Miss Ewenice and Buddy. Remember the story about Buddy being the kindest sheep in the world?
I enjoy working on Ed's photography challenges. Next month I'm getting an opportunity to learn more about taking sheep (and everything else) shots. Photographer Gale Zucker is coming to Tanglewood Farm (where Graham and the new white lamb who still needs a name because he just. can't. be. called. Mongo. for. the. rest. of. his. life. came from) for a weekend photography workshop. Check it out!
There are still a couple spots open. I can assure you it will be a spectacular weekend. Mike and Dianne's farm is a gorgeous (our dream farm) setting and we'd do whatever it took to stay on Dianne's holiday baking gift list (;-), so you know the food and southern hospitality will be outstanding!
If you have any questions, drop Dianne an email. Her address is diannemac1010ATyahooDOTcom.
For more Sunday Stills...

Elizabeth - who I've always claimed is the smartest sheep in the world...sitting on the hot, sunny side of the shade cloth... ?

Joshua. This looks like a depression era shot to me. Or maybe just Joshua looks depressed. Or oppressed. Because the heat has been so oppressive... Ugh.

Crazy Esther, back in the midst of her peeps after being kicked out of her retirement home by the new black and white babies.

Ewen McTeagle and Boudreaux.

Emily and Caspar Belly (aka Spooky Tooth). Mother and daughter still hang tight. Always.

Speaking of hanging close, the cutest couple in the barn, Miss Ewenice and Buddy. Remember the story about Buddy being the kindest sheep in the world?
I enjoy working on Ed's photography challenges. Next month I'm getting an opportunity to learn more about taking sheep (and everything else) shots. Photographer Gale Zucker is coming to Tanglewood Farm (where Graham and the new white lamb who still needs a name because he just. can't. be. called. Mongo. for. the. rest. of. his. life. came from) for a weekend photography workshop. Check it out!
There are still a couple spots open. I can assure you it will be a spectacular weekend. Mike and Dianne's farm is a gorgeous (our dream farm) setting and we'd do whatever it took to stay on Dianne's holiday baking gift list (;-), so you know the food and southern hospitality will be outstanding!
If you have any questions, drop Dianne an email. Her address is diannemac1010ATyahooDOTcom.
For more Sunday Stills...
What's wrong with Mongo for the rest of his life? It isn't as strange as some of the names around there!
And considering how "well fed" most of the sheep are around there, it will probably fit for the rest of his life! hee ;-)
Looks like Joshua has extra legs. Are the sheep mutating? The aliens have arrived and the sheep are taking over! Mongo will save the day.
I especially like the photo of Emily and Caspar-Belly. Even the heat does not separate them. Very cool.
I like the composition of the first one. It's hard to be objective when all your sheep are such darling characters. How are the rescue and the lambies doing?
i liked them all, their faces are so cute
I love the shots of them all. :)
Looks like everyone was trying to get into the shade, except for your "smart" one. Nice black and white shots.
Great shots and thanks for the compliment, how about Mongo Bongo???
You're a really talented photographer. I enjoy coming to your blog and seeing what's going on.
And I think Mongo is good too!
Vikki at and
If I lived closer, I would go to that workshop in a heartbeat. Can't wait to see you pictures.
Nice the way.
BUDDY! Love him and Miss Ewenice!
That photography workshop sounds wonderful!
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