I ain't as cute as Keebs?

I'm cute. See? (Definitely biggify these - chewing lambs give you some of the funniest pictures)
Why are they looking so happy when it's so miserably hot out (hello-o-o this isn't August...)?

They got their own fan today. Willard stood in front of it for the longest time, staring at it the same way I tend to do. I'm not a huge fan of hot weather if you hadn't guessed. In fact, Saint Tim says I have SAD - summer affective disorder. Cute, big, fuzzy, white, droopy eared lamb who still hasn't settled on a name glanced up and promptly went back to sleep.

He's a nice boy. Sweet, cuddly, loves to have his back and ears scratched, doesn't boss me around, stays out of trouble...

Unlike his Uncle Grammy...who still thinks his first name is Dammit :-o.
Keebler, by the way, doesn't seem to care one way or the other about the new lambs. He's cute...but complicated.
Lucky lambs. What a beautiful set up.
I've got a few Dammits. "Dammit, come HERE!"
I'm with about the weather....give me 72-75 MAX with a cool comfortable breeze. Love the "chewing" pictures....too cute!
Weather here is August like too. It's gotten old real fast. What lucky little lambs to have their very own fan! I for sure don't want the word to get out to my flock, who have to huddle under the shade when it's like this.
Tammy (p.s. the new lambs are both such cuties.)
Finnigan! He looks like a Finnigan to me!
How 'bout Delbert? DEL= droopy eared lamb
Or lambit, dammit!
Your sheep stories are so entertaining. I think that's what's missing here...only one sheep makes for a lonely girl. I think I would get more entertainment out of two! You have a darling place.
Well, the lambs have the cutest, most grateful faces.
They look as though they would be content most anywhere.
I suppose Willard's sidekick could grow into a "Rambo", or "Highram" ( if he gets taller)
Lucky Lambs!!!
That black one looks just like Hemp! They are both black as the night and they both have CRAZY eyes!
Love your photos. It's a bright spot in the day seeing the lambs.
I loved the facial expression!
Oh my good golly they're cute! I'm just catching up on your blog to see the newbies. What about "Elvis"? Droopy eyes, likes the ladies, cute cheeks.... ;o)
They are just darling! A fan just for the kids...August in June...we are having August in June also. You have humidity and we have hot wind from H@##
the chew shot is definately worth bigifyin
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