The other night I saw Keebler sitting out with his dog, up on the hill, overlooking those woolly animals that he still can't figure out why he has to live with.

As soon as he heard me sneaking up on him, he opened his eyes, but even in sleep, Keebs has a distinctive look.
When he and Grammie were young lambs, I'd go out and sit with them as the sun went down. I think that's my sheep's favorite time of day. Mine too. We'd lay back on the thick grass and listen to the birds settle in for the night and watch the stars come out.

Now he sits with Hank. I tried to take some pictures - it was actually way darker than this - but gave up and crawled in next to them.

I don't worry about much around here anymore with Hank on the clock. What a relief.
The weather is pretty icky and not looking for much improvement. If you are thinking about coming out tomorrow, we'll still be here and you are quite welcome. Wear your wellies though! A re-schedule may be in order. Drop me an email or leave a comment if you are coming.
Farm life goes on rain or shine...but the dog doesn't smell as good when he's wet ;-).

As soon as he heard me sneaking up on him, he opened his eyes, but even in sleep, Keebs has a distinctive look.
When he and Grammie were young lambs, I'd go out and sit with them as the sun went down. I think that's my sheep's favorite time of day. Mine too. We'd lay back on the thick grass and listen to the birds settle in for the night and watch the stars come out.

Now he sits with Hank. I tried to take some pictures - it was actually way darker than this - but gave up and crawled in next to them.

I don't worry about much around here anymore with Hank on the clock. What a relief.
The weather is pretty icky and not looking for much improvement. If you are thinking about coming out tomorrow, we'll still be here and you are quite welcome. Wear your wellies though! A re-schedule may be in order. Drop me an email or leave a comment if you are coming.
Farm life goes on rain or shine...but the dog doesn't smell as good when he's wet ;-).
Keebler definitely has a distinctive look. He could be in the movies.
I love the idea of going out and lying with your animals until it gets dark. What a lovely thing to do.
I can see you looking up at the stars with those two.
Love the look on Keeb's face in the first photo.
I'm not sure Keeps even looks like a sheep which might be why he doesn't think he's a sheep.:)
We have had a couple of great Prynese (sp?) over the years in with our sheep and they always thought they were sheep so they got along great.
I am in love with Keeb! I am!
Cindy Bee
ah, i can just see you lying with the babies...i have always wanted to lay with jessie (not because she is sick or anything like that) and pet would not be happy....
What a lovely way to end the day...But do wet dogs smell? :-)
"Farm life goes on rain or shine...but the dog doesn't smell as good when he's wet." I think you've just created a quote worthy of the likes of Will Rogers! That pretty much sums up life, on the farm or off!
Hank looks like a good friend! I'd hold on to him...:)JP
Keebler and Hank....Kebs dog Hank. I loved this blog.
Love Keebler. I still have a hard time reconciling big Keebler with baby Keebler.
Now I sound like a grandma.
Total nirvana, watching the stars with two great sheep and one rockin' dog..:-))
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