"See, I don't just sleep all the time. That's just when it's easiest to take my picture!"

"Watch this!"

"I'll get you, Iris Maybelle!"

"You go where I tell you to go."

"That's right! Sheep herd Border Collies!"

"And you too you fat, short little barky mcbarky!"

"Sheep RULE!"

Not sure if you can see the look of wild terror in Tilly's eyes.

Or the patient resignation in Iris's.

Lila: And we're fast too!
Weaslie/Tilly: Iris, how long do we have to play this stupid game???
For more Farm Friends Friday...
Is she havin' a little caffeine in that baby bottle? No wonder she sleep so soundly! Is there a lamb jumping Olympic competition she could enter? Great Capture, Sara!
Babies are so much fun to watch! I miss my baby goats. Glad I found your blog!
She is so cute! Do all lambs jump around like that? I've noticed it with the goats. Does it have something to do with growing 'pains'?!
Oh just adorable!
Do you need me to come babysit while you get ready for the festival? You'd have to twist my arm.
ah how cute and playful! give her a big hug for me!
I'm ok with most of those pictures :) Iris looks like she's TRYING to herd the lamb. She's just not getting any back up from her owner! Poor Iris...
Well, with no other lambs around to do 'lamb races' with her, she's got to get someone to run!
She has to be the cutest little lamb, love the pictures! also miss my baby goats.
Apparently sheep DO rule!
She is way too cute for words!!!
Pals. I'm so happy Lila has this blog!
I LOVE leeping Lila! Is she up for adoption? Do you think she'd like to go trucking?
Goodness what a cutie. Love how she's playing with the dogs.
This is the most evil blog site I have ever read -
Thanks to you, at this point and time we are now rearranging our retirement goals to include sheep - although the process has been painful when my husband reminds me how much I love gyro sandwiches..I am bound and determined to run a retirement home for bottle lamb sheep for SE Montana, but its going to be one of those "you get what you asked for lady so dont complain" lives for sure..with bottle lambs dumped at our gate at midnight...
This is evil. just plain evil to post these pictures again and again of Lila... the absolute epitomy of adorable-ness, like a cunning little sheep siren wrapped up in a little baby lambs wool jacket...How can we all resist??
must not look...must not look...
What great pictures! You always have the cutest lambs :-)
Lila sure makes me wish I could have a lamb in my apt.! She'd have to stay small, not chase my cat, and take herself out to run outside. Oh, dear, you say that wouldn't work?
Nancy - sheepless in Iowa
How in the world could you find time to do anything? I would have to watch her all day long.
She has got to be the cutest thing ever.
Excellent motion capture! I love that she plays with the dogs, and the dogs are so tolerant. She's obviously feeling good - weak lambs don't fool around like that!
So cute! I love watching the little ones bounce!
This post makes me want to grab that little baby and give her hugs and kisses. :) --Mistene
Lila certainly knows how to have fun, even if it isn't with the other sheepies. Tilly and Iris look like they have their paws full!
OH MY GOODNESS!!! Is this not the cutest array of photos ever...Perfect for Spring! That little lamb is da bomb diggity! lol!
I love how their ears are all laid back. Must be more aero-dynamic or something... So good to see you guys Friday!
AHHH! What loving and good friends they all seem to be!
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