...and the sides and the back and the butt and belly and the neck and the face and the legs and even the ears.

Miss Aria

And her hair.
At 28 or 29 years old, Aria's grown an incredible winter coat the last couple of years. And while it does eventually shed out, it doesn't do so fast enough to suit either of us. Out come the clippers.
The first clip of the year takes pretty much all morning. Even running the big clippers, that's a lot of hair. Sweaty, dirty hair. It's a good thing Don and Bill are going to offer blade sharpening in between sheep shearing demos at the festival this spring.

The first order of business after a big haircut?

A big roll.

It's got to feel good to get all that prickly hair off your back.

I could have gotten all those high and tight spots if she'd have lain down like a sheep. She's a good girl, but not that good ;-).

After a big hair cut and a big roll, a big shake is in order. I'm pretty sure if you shake hard enough that one of your legs comes off the ground, that a good one.

Horses make a funny sound as they finish shaking. Hard to describe and I wasn't quick enough with the video camera. It's a happy sound.

And then you get a big snack. Even though when the phone rang, you darted out the barn door into the yard for a pre-big snack, snack.
I love when the trees are just starting to leaf out. So pretty.
And so are you Miss Aria.

Miss Aria

And her hair.
At 28 or 29 years old, Aria's grown an incredible winter coat the last couple of years. And while it does eventually shed out, it doesn't do so fast enough to suit either of us. Out come the clippers.
The first clip of the year takes pretty much all morning. Even running the big clippers, that's a lot of hair. Sweaty, dirty hair. It's a good thing Don and Bill are going to offer blade sharpening in between sheep shearing demos at the festival this spring.

The first order of business after a big haircut?

A big roll.

It's got to feel good to get all that prickly hair off your back.

I could have gotten all those high and tight spots if she'd have lain down like a sheep. She's a good girl, but not that good ;-).

After a big hair cut and a big roll, a big shake is in order. I'm pretty sure if you shake hard enough that one of your legs comes off the ground, that a good one.

Horses make a funny sound as they finish shaking. Hard to describe and I wasn't quick enough with the video camera. It's a happy sound.

And then you get a big snack. Even though when the phone rang, you darted out the barn door into the yard for a pre-big snack, snack.
I love when the trees are just starting to leaf out. So pretty.
And so are you Miss Aria.
Everything is so green who WOULDN'T
want to go for a good roll? :)
Looking forward to some green here in CNY!
Have a lovely SPring day!
Sara...your clipping job looks terrific on Miss Aria. My 33 year old (Masterpiece) has been going through the same thing. LOTS of hair for the winter. I can get 60% of it off, then I will have to clip him too. Not warm enough yet. It was supposed to be 55 today...but I'm freezin and waitin.
I tell you, if spring ever arrives in upstate NY and we actually see gree grass, I may be rolling around in it, too. Wonderful pictures - beautiful horse.
It looks like she is in pure bliss! I love watching horses roll and shake. She is a beautiful girl.
She looks absolutely lovely! I bet that was quite a job on such a big animal. I would like to clean up Daisy, but we just got two inches of snow so I'll wait. Lori Skoog sent me a coat for my goat a few years back. I may try having Daisy the Sheep wear it next winter to stay cleaner. Do you think it would hurt her to have a coat on all the time?
What a lovely day and a lovely pasture for a roll. She is beautiful.
What a lovely mare! She sure doesn't look 28 or 29 years old.
It must be spring if it's time for equine haircuts!
I love that first picture,she is beautiful!
Wow, that's some coat that she grows! Looks like she enjoys her good life.
Thanks for the education - I had no idea that horses might need haircuts! She is a beauty....
Nancy in Iowa
I think it's such fun to watch horses roll. When our big draft boys roll, the earth shakes! Have a great weekend!
I miss the smell of horse, but boy, that dried mud and dander that comes off with the winter hair is the pits. Looks like she shed a few pounds the quick easy way! She's wonderful - doesn't look that old at all. Must be all that good care.
haha looks great! and oh my what lot's of hair they got!
Nothing like a trip to "Salon de Sara" to make a girl feel all young and pretty again!
How old is Miss Aria in people years? She hasn't a gray hair in her mane!
I'm sure she feels much better after her haircut and roll!
yay Miss Aria!
we havent brushed out Sally the pony and Ebony yet - they expect snow this weekend.
She looks very good after a trip to the beauty shop!
Nice haircut, she look great and a bit relieved..:-)
Aria is a beautiful horse...she looks amazing for her age!
I know how good I feel after my haircuts, way to go Miss Aria. :)
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