Also known as Hillbilly Geographic. Get that girl some speech therapy - yeesh!
A closer look.
This all transpired in mere minutes. First I saw them approaching the tree, then all over the tree and then into the cluster - in less than 10 minutes. The noise was just incredible.

Me and Stella, Saint Tim and another local beekeeper, Jane, put together a cardboard box with some screen wire on top for ventilation. Tim held some branches aside and while Jane and Stella held the box under the swarm, I gently brushed most of the bees off the branch and into the box.
Here are a couple of interesting notes. That cluster of bees was heavy. I'll try to weigh the box tomorrow when we move the bees into a hive (bad weather here this evening). You wouldn't believe how the air moves around all those vibrating wings. I could feel it on my face through my veil.

We got most of the bees in the box and left a small hole hoping the rest would follow. They did.

And Stella has her second hive of bees. This is our first swarm of the year and the third hive of bees we've successfully captured.
Who'd have ever 'thunk' it?
A closer look.
This all transpired in mere minutes. First I saw them approaching the tree, then all over the tree and then into the cluster - in less than 10 minutes. The noise was just incredible.

Me and Stella, Saint Tim and another local beekeeper, Jane, put together a cardboard box with some screen wire on top for ventilation. Tim held some branches aside and while Jane and Stella held the box under the swarm, I gently brushed most of the bees off the branch and into the box.
Here are a couple of interesting notes. That cluster of bees was heavy. I'll try to weigh the box tomorrow when we move the bees into a hive (bad weather here this evening). You wouldn't believe how the air moves around all those vibrating wings. I could feel it on my face through my veil.

We got most of the bees in the box and left a small hole hoping the rest would follow. They did.

And Stella has her second hive of bees. This is our first swarm of the year and the third hive of bees we've successfully captured.
Who'd have ever 'thunk' it?
An incredible rescue of a swarm of bees! How fortunate that you were around to observe them and save them. They picked the right tree and branch so maybe they knew that you and your friends are great stewards of bees. May you be blessed with much sweet honey.
Did that swarm come from one of your hives? We're wondering why you have so many swarms in your neck of the woods?
That must be a total thrill. I love the picture of Stella. Tawanda! (Have you seen Fried Green Tomatoes?)
Wow, that was impressive. (Both the bees themselves and the fact that you're both crazy enough to catch them.)
What makes the box so attactive? Is it just instinct to follow the leader?
Very interesting. That was a huge swarm!! Did you capture all of them? I see some yummy honey in your future. :)
We are not sure where they came from. Hopefully not from one of our hives, but most likely.
Yes, I've seen FGT. Stella must be the bee charmer ;-).
If you get the queen in the box, then yes, everyone else pretty much follows.
I have to admit that I am afraid of bees. Any kind of bees. I am chased around my yard by "evil" carpenter bees all the time. They are just having fun with me, I know, but I don't go out much!! The picture of Stella is precious, as for the bees...well...on to another subject!
Very cool! One of the Alamo Area Beekeepers came out to visit yesterday evening and helped us pick the best site for our new hive.
Turns out the short grass prairie doesn't have as much protection from the north winds so it's going into the wildflower meadow, which actually has less flowers but a cedar brake.
Holy Beeswax!!! I was sure you must have been 1 mile away with a super powerful zoom lens until you shattered that notion. I think bees are amazing, but I could not have been anywhere near them!!!
Nancy in Iowa
Absolutely fascinating! Why do the bees swarm? You mentioned a "pressing need" in your video. Is it a new queen, or what? The mystery is killing me!
The pressing need for a new home ;-).
There are all sorts of theories about why bees swarm. I usually assume they have gotten too crowded in their old hive. Who knows. Bees are really interesting. We got the swarm into the hive box after church. So far, so good. They don't always stay...
Wow! I've heard of that but never seen it. Thanks for posting.
My hubby is going to start his first set of bees this year. I am worried about them being close to the horses do you have any idea if they will bother them or not?
I don't think bees would bother horses under normal circumstances. Bees won't bother PEOPLE under normal circumstances. I would make sure the hive isn't right by where you feed them or something and also, make sure there is no chance the horses can get to the hive and scratch on it and knock it over...
Good luck and happy honeying :-)
Impressive! That swarm was really and your friends are very brave or nuts..I would guess you know what you are doing. I am very allergic..after opening a hive when I was about 2 years old..I do not remember it..But I nearly died...I am still a little afraid, but not as bad as I used to be as a child. One time in the car, a bee flew in picked me out of a bunch of kids in the back seat..stung me and flew out the window.. My Mother says it has something to do with me being stung so much:(
You always impress me.
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