"I'm one years old today!"

"I can't fit in my old bed anymore, but I still love to eat dandelion leaves."

"And I still get in lots of troubles."

"But most of it's Graham's fault."

"You believe me, right?"

"I still like to hang out on the porch."

"And I wish I could still sit on my momma's lap."

"This is her favorite picture of me."
"And this is her favorite video."
"This one is my favorite!"
To celebrate Keebler's birthday, we are not only going to eat a bunch of vanilla wafers, but we are also going to donate a dollar to Best Friends for each "Happy Birthday Keebs!" comment left on his birthday post. Specifically we want to sponsor one of their sheep, Sebaastian, so spread the word! They are a great organization and you know how Keebler
Leaving a comment is easy. Just click the word "comments" at the bottom of this post. Type your comment in the box and if you don't have an account, just leave your name in the comment box and click "anonymous" below. I've even taken off the word verification. If you don't feel comfortable leaving a comment, you may email a birthday greeting to thecrazysheeplady (at) gmail (dot) com.
And if you didn't get quite enough elfin magic here, click his name in the word cloud on the right hand side and relive all the silly fun. And don't worry, Graham Lamb has a special birthday surprise coming too. He's 10 days younger though, so has to wait.
Happy Birthday Keebler!
Happy Birthday baby. You're still pretty darn cute :-).
Happy Birthday Keebs! You might be a yearling now, but I still think you're the cutest lamb ever.
HAPPY B-DAY KEEBS!!! You are the coolest Sheep in Kentucky and Grahm is a close second..:-))
Chester says: Happy Birthday Keebs! Have a great day!
Happy birthday Keebs. He's so cute.
Happy Birthday Keebs!!! You are such a beautiful boy. And, lovely hands giving you love. :)
Happy Birthday Keebs!
You started my day with a smile.
Sunny :)
Happy Birthday to the cutest lamb ever! Are you having a party? Be sure to have Mom share pictures!
Happy Birthday Keebler!!
You've grown into a fine young sheep ~
Enjoy our vanilla wafers and be sure to share with your Mom :)
Alot of cuteness in a little package!
Alot of cuteness in a little package!
Happy Birthday Keebler! What joy you have brought to the Equinox Farm! May you celebrate many more!
Happy Birthday Keebler!! And may you have a long and wonderful life.
Happy Birthday, Keebs!
Happy Birthday, Keebs!
Happy Birthday, dear Keebler,
Happy Birthday, Keebs!
(sung off key, of course)
Happy Birthday Keebler!
May you have all the dandelion leaves you can eat. :)
Happy Birthday Keebler! You are the cutest ever, and I want one just like you!
Mirian and I have been reading through your blog this morning, since her ewe is due to lamb today. We LOVE your photos and stories. Happy Birthday, Keebs!
Wow, that year went fast. Happy Birthday Keebs!
Happy Birthday Keebler! You are a lucky boy to have such a special Mom and a beautiful place to live. Love all the baby pictures...sweet boy.
Happy Birthday Keebs! from your biggest fan. Wishing you a year filled with dandelions and cookies.
Happy Birthday Keebs!!!! He is so adorable!!!
Hellllo Keebler !
Oh Happy Day ! Happy Birthday!
You are absolutely the sweetest and your Aunt Alice got a special picture/ card from your mom and sent it to me. I have it on my mantle. Your grace reminds me to say thank-you every day.
Happy Birthday Keebler!
Happy Birthday Keebler!
Happy Birthday Keebler! I can't get enough of your adorable head tilt! I just showed my sister your picture and told her you were the cutest sheep on earth.
Happy Birthday Keebler! You have the most wonderful smile! You have put a smile on my face too! (:
Happy Birthday Keebs!!!!! You are still adorable. From Kevin, Tonia, James and Isaac (that's good for 4 right? ;-) )
Happy Happy Joy Joy!!! What a great day to celebrate your one year oldness, Keebler!! Thanks for the pics and video, i miss sheepies....
Happy Birthday Keebs!!! You are just too cute!!!
Happy Birthday to you...
Happy Birthday to you.....
Happy Birthday dear Keeeee-blerrr....
Happy Birthday to youuuuu....
Holly Nistock
Oh Keebler! You are so cute! I'm so happy you were born! Who would think you are the one so good at gift giving! Everytime I look at your smile it makes my day! Thanks Keeb and Happy Birthday to you!!! lalalalalalalalala Happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday, Keebler! It was fun seeing your baby pictures and watching your baby videos. Wish I could give you a big hug in person!
Nancy (sheepless) in Iowa
Happy birthday!!! :)
Happy Birthday Keebler! What a cutie-
Happy Birthday Keebs!
Thanks for the retrospective.
Cute as ever!
not really but it is the other birthday song....
happy birthday k
Happy Birthday Keebs!!!!
Happy Birthday Keebs! You are my favorite sheepie in the whole wide world. (Don't tell my Gorgonzola I said that!)
I've been reading your blog for a year...and so enjoy the tales of Keebler. THANK U!!
Happy Birthday Keebs!!
You had to be the cutest little lamb ever, the baby pictures are so adorable, would your mommy sell prints of your baby pictures??
Hey Keebler Elf!
Have a super fun birthday. You don't look a day over ten months. Is your momma going to let you start dating soon?
Love from Auntie Pam
Happy Birthday Keebs!!!
(Did you know that this is also V's b'day, but a few years earler ;)
Happy birthday Keebs! You just keep gettin' cuter!
Happy Birthday Keebler. You always put a smile on my face. You are even cuter in person.
He still is the cutest lamb I've ever seen. Happy Birthday Keebs! I've enjoyed reading you for a year now.
Happy Birthday "Keebe!"
What a wonderful Birthday thought...to give away your gifts to some less fortunate creature.
God bless you and your Momma...
Sr. Mary Elizabeth
Happy B-Day Keebes! I really think your Mom should take those pictures and make a book just about you (and Graham too of course)!!
Happy Birthday! You are looking great.
Hey Keebs, Happy Birthday! It was nice meeting you, even if you didn't trust me. Your mom is the greatest, you know; that's why you're around to celebrate this special day - and another sheep gets help on your birthday thanks to her, too!
Happy Birthday Keebler! You are too cute!
Happy Birthday, Keebler.
Happy Birthday Keebler!
Happy Birthday, Keebler. You have given me many smiles and laughter in the past year. June E. , NH
Happy Birthday Keebs! I've seen allot of cute lambs in my day, but you are surely something special.
'tis the season of cute lambs, but you will always be my favorite! Happy birthday, elfin Keebler!
You and your cohorts have talked me into coming down for the KY Sheep and Wool Festival.
Happy Birthday to the most social (and cutest!) lamb on the planet! Thanks for sharing all the joy with us. What a generous birthday gift!
Happy Birthday! You were without a doubt one of the cutest lambs ever! May you continue having sheepy fun with your buddies for many a day. Ken and Mary of Fancy Fibers Farm
Happy Birthday Keebs!! You are a handsome dude! :)
Happy Birthday, enjoy watching you grow!
Lou Ann
Happy Birthday, beautiful boy! You're living the life all sheep dream about!
Mary had a little lamb, but not as cute as you.
I'm a little late but Happy Birthday Keebler! I have loved watching you grow up. I also love Best Friends...what a lovely way to celebrate his birthday.
Happy Birthday Keebler, you've made our days much brighter! Woolly hugs and kisses!
Happy Birthday Keebs!
Awww. He really was the cutest lamb ever.
I remember his precocious cud chewing. :-)
A very happy birtday, cutie!
He is just plain darling!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Keebs! You deserve the best birthday ever. Thanks for sharing you pictures and posts with each one of us.
Happy birthday Keebler! You are the cutest sheep ever!
LOVE the photos, so precious!
Keebs is one of my favorite lambs. He has a great personality and certainly makes me smile. Thanks to his mom, for sharing him with so many people and making them smile also. Don't spoil his fun, but I think he thinks everyday is his birthday! RC
Keebler and Graham always brighten my day! Happy belated birthday baby sheep!
They are so cute you just want to take them home! Happy Birthday :)
Happy Belated Birthday Keebler...your baby pics are adorable!
I can't believe I stumbled across your blog!!! I know this was posted a long time ago, but it truly brought me so much joy today!!! I wish I could come and snuggle with some fuzzy cute lambs! Blessings to you all!
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