"Hey, today's MY birthday!"

It's hard to believe that gangly lamb grew into this handsome guy.

Oh yeah, this looks more like it.

Eating a spiky thistle? Yep, that's our boy.

Keebler: I knew from the beginning he wasn't quite "right" but no one would listen to me.

This is one of my favorite memories of little Grammy. He used to love to use me as a pillow. Oh, those cute babies grow up so fast.

Graham has always had a special interest in cats, especially Comby.

Graham still loves kitties.

And dogs. Especially Hank. Or should I say Hank's food (yeah, we don't really want to go there...).
While I have to admit that Graham Lamb is finally growing up to be a real "sheep", deep down I'm not so sure he won't always think he's a dog. Or maybe a cat.

For Graham Lamb's birthday we are again going to have a farm-iversally popular nilla wafer party. We are also going to donate a dollar for every "Happy Birthday Graham Lamb" comment - this time to help care for Graham's cats and dogs at our local Harrison County Humane Society.
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Happy Birthday Grammy!
Happy Birthday Goofy Graham :-)
Happy Birthday Graham, and hope you will have many more birthdays to come! You have grown into a fine sheep. (Just an observation, you grew, but your ears stayed the same size!) Enjoy your first Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Graham Lamb! What a handsome guy you are!
Sunny :)
happy happy birthday
happy happy birthday
happy happy birthday
happy..... happy..... birthday Deluxe Graham Cracker!
Happy Birthday Graham Lamb! I hope you don't let Keebs give you flack for being 10 days younger!
WOW! Another birthday celebration. Happy Birthday Graham Lamb, you have grown into such a handsome young man. :)
Happy Birthday Graham!
Happy Birthday, Graham! (and, just remember, if Keebler - or St.Tim keeps giving you a hard time - you can always come back home. I don't for a minute believe all that stuff they say you do to them!)
I am sure that Grammy is going to have a very happy birthday with you in the picture. Another sweet boy! It's very nice of you to donate $$$ to the Humane Society in his name.
Have you started your vegetable garden yet? That fence is out of the movies.
Happy Birthday Graham Lamb!!!!
Happy birthday Graham!!!
Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday Grammy!
Happy Birthday Graham!
A very happy birthday to you, Graham Lamb! Be sure to share your 'nilla wafers with Keebs!!
Nancy - sheepless in Iowa
Happy Birthday Handsome!
Happy Birthday, Graham lamb! Tell Momma those thistles are what make your coat so shiney!
Happy Birthday Graham:
You are so very special - we all love you very much. June E NH
Happy Birthday Graham!!
Happy Birthday Grammy! Glad you grew into your ears.
Happy Birthday to Keeblers best friend! You certainly have grown into a handsome young sheep! May you bring many more laughs and joys to the Equinox Farm.
Happy Brthday Graham. What a big handsome boy you are.
Happy birthday Graham lamb! You and Keebs are quite the special pair.
Happy Birthday Graham!
Happy Birthday Graham Lamb! Enjoy your birthday cookies!
Happy Birthday Graham Lamb !
I hope momma brings you lots and lots of cookies. You are the cutest !
Happy B-Day! You are quite a distinguished looking Grahama-Lamba-Ding-Dong, but it's not bad for any of us, including you, young sheep, to have a little dog or cat in us. We hope your party was fun. Ken and Mary of FancyFibers Farm
Happy birthday, Graham! Glad to see that even though you've grown up into a dignified looking sheep that you are just a goofy as ever.
Happy birthday, Graham the lamb!
He sure is a handsome fellow, Happy Birthday, Graham Lamb!)
Graham Cracker,
Oh, you've just grown in to the most handsome young man! Happy birthday, cutie pie.
Happy Happy Birthday Mr.Graham Lamb, I think you are a pretty sharp looking lamb no matter what your family says. RC
Happy Birthday, Graham Lamb. You are one handsome guy. Your mom has done such a good job raising you to be so wonderful on your first birthday! We all expect to follow your antics for years and years - don't disappoint us and get all stodgy and dull! Keep that Graham Lamb brain clicking along. You and Keebs are the Lucy and Ethel of Punkin's Patch.
Holly Nistock
Happy Birthday Graham Lamb what a handsome feller you have grown up to be.
Happy Birthday Graham. You are a real beauty!
Bonnie Jo
Happy Birthday Graham Lamb!
I'm late to the party, but Happy Birthday Graham Lamb!!
Happy Birthday Graham Lamby
Happy Birthday Graham Lamb!
Happy Birthday Graham!!! You have grown up to be a fine young sheep.
But don't worry, the kid in you never grow up. Have a great day!!!
Happy Birthday Goofy! Er, I mean Graham.
I LOVE the photo of you with the stick. CUTE, cute, cute.
Birthday HUGs for Graham Lamb the sunshine boy. Share them with Keebs? Good boy Graham. Love the ears! Love You Graham!
A belated Happy Birthday wish for Graham! Sorry I missed your party. Hope you had all the cookies you wanted ;-). Love to see you kicking up your heels.
Graham is/was charming at every stage....Happy Birthday Graham!
I have to admit I think Graham is the purtiest sheep on your property, so Happy Birthday, Handsome Graham!
Happy Birthday Graham Lamb, you maybe a handsome prince now that you are all grown up, but you will always be Mom's little lamb.
Happy Birthday, a little late, but nonetheless I hope you had many nilla wafers and got to leap and play and cuddle with mama.
Happy B-Day Graham Lamb! Don't let Keebler fool you, we love you just as much!!! It's those EARS!
Happy birthday sweet boy!!!
Happy birthday Graham! Hard to believe that cute little guy grew up so quickly... I think he is very handsome now! :)
Graham Lamb's not a baby anymore! Happy Birthday!
I just found your site and love your pictures and comments. My grandmother used to raise lambs in her pantry if mama wasn't taking care of them. I used to have some cute pictures of the lambs being bottle fed. When I'd visit her ranch in the summer I could always tell which where the bottle-raised lambs when I'd go into the pasture with them or help bring them into the barn at night (no Hank, the Wonder Dog to help out)!
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