I forgot to post this picture yesterday. Actually, as crazy busy as things are around here right now with normal spring work and working on the new fiber festival, it's probably a miracle I posted what I did and posted it to the right blog. Whew!
We have a border collie, Iris, who feels she does many things to help out around here. Honestly, the most important job she does is security. Nothing goes on without Iris' approval. This truly is helpful as she lets us know about neighbor dogs, strangers headed up to Stella's, that time when Hank grabbed a chicken... However, when it comes to moving sheep from the night paddocks to day paddocks, I've learned to just carry a feed scoop.
As the sheep go through whichever gate I trick them through, I set the feed scoop on the gate post. I like to walk out with them for a few minutes and make sure everyone seems okay, check grass levels, play with Hank... I frequently forget about the scoop. Hank and Graham Lamb never do.
Graham Lamb climbs up on the fence, grabs the scoop, sets it on the ground, figures out if there are any food crumbs left inside, gives up and turns it over to Hank. Who thinks it's a great chew toy. We now have two scoops (both chewed on) so that surely we can always find at least one. I found this one back behind the arena where I took the video the other day.
You'd think I'd learn...
I can't tell you how many recycled Folgers plastic coffee cans have been destroyed around here for the very same reason.
I finally gave up on plastic move back to a tin coffee can...I had to look through all my junk..now I can have a whole can always.
I leave my coffee cups all across the yard, but luckily no one wants them.
What a clever use for a feed scoop! I think GL and Hank are to be commended for extending it's practical use beyond a gathering signal to that of a teething ring and also for holding treats. So next time you go out remember to bring to 'nilla wafers with you :)
Oh how funny! Graham lamb and Hank in cahoots . . . inter-species cooperation at its finest! I also had to LOL when I read about the plastic coffee cans, as I've had to retrieve several of them after the dogs have gnawed them up in the pasture. Ken and Mary of Fancy Fibers Farm
I believe this post to your blog needs a disclaimer for my Sweet Iris and why it is that she doesn't move the sheep between fields. Yep, Iris deserves it. Such a good girl....
I got your back iris,
Aunt Debbie
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