This lump of straw started out as a tidy half bale, sitting out ready to cover the next planting.

I didn't realize in reality that it's main purpose was actually a bird jungle gym and smorgasbord. What great fun they've had all day rooting through the straw searching for oat seeds.

Saint Tim repaired the washed out garden and everyone is looking good. Chard and kale, broccoli, cabbage, sweet onions, potatoes and now the squash and zucchini has successfully transitioned out of the greenhouse. Tonight I'm moving the cucumbers out and planting some sweet corn.

The greenhouse is starting to look empty.

"That's okay. Me and Eli are ready to move back in."
OOOOOOO! It'll make a great chick brooder!!!!
I'd love to have that greenhouse.
The chard just about makes my mouth water :o) Lovely iris!
What a beautiful set up for a garden. You guys don't mess around!
Lookin' good!
I'm so glad that your garden was rescued. The plant looks none the worse for wear. The picture of Eli with the Iris is card worthy :-)
Your garden looks great. We got some straw to spread. :)
When I come back for my next life, I want to be YOU. What a glorious farm you have!
Too cold, especially this weekend, to plant outside yet. I did give my tomatoes a outside visiting last week...too much for a few of them, but hey, that's the way it goes...
Your farm and yard are just lovely!
Great shots, Eli looks too cool in the flowers and I bet he can't wait to get to mousing..:-)
Glad to hear the garden is back in biz!
Looks like you will be harvesting chard soon!
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