My garden. My beautiful garden.

A waterfall was not an intended design element.

I'm not sure if it was the straw or that everything planted was at the top end of the "hill", but everyone is accounted for. I'm not sure what to do with the rest of it. There are plants about ready to move out of the greenhouse and I almost planted our sweet corn before the deluge.
We ended up better off than many other places, but I wish that 7 inches of rain we were behind hadn't been replaced in less than 24 hours.
Wow! What a sad. soggy. sorry. site! I will just bet that you plant some sunshine seedlings to find the rainbow connection from this deluge.
We are getting it now. Not fun.
That is NOT the way to catch up on your rain year! We planted more of our garden today and rain is forecast tomorrow, which is a good thing. We NEVER get that kind of downpour here! (Knock on wood?)
our rain just arrived last night. Hope your garden dries up.
We also received enough at once that I claimed we had white cap waves in the driveway. Fortunately it was only one day. I hope things dry out a bit so you can move plants out.
Yuck! But look on the bright side - you have a mini waterfall that many people would pay to have put in their backyards!
Nancy in Iowa
I feel your pain!! We had a terrible downpour last night. It looks like our garden survived OK. I'm just glad I hadn't put out the seedlings yet, as the rain would have beat them to death! I hope your corn didn't get washed away.
I feel your pain!! We had a terrible downpour last night. It looks like our garden survived OK. I'm just glad I hadn't put out the seedlings yet, as the rain would have beat them to death! I hope your corn didn't get washed away.
We have also had a deluge of water. Slow and steady is much preferred to everything all at once.
Opps! At least you are not in the Nashville area..
Yikes! Now you know what I have been through... Aren't you glad you have that kayak now? You might need it to get around the farm!
Oh! I am sooo sorry! It is hard, hard, hard to watch things you plant turn to mush, mud and muck. This sure has been a hard year for lots of people, I'm sorry you have to experience it also.
:( Linda
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