Meet RooRoo.

We tried several different names for her - Gretta, Gretel, Gretchen... Nothing.

She says "Roo roo roo rooooo" to me all the time though, so I called her RooRoo back yesterday and that got her attention. So, little dog, you can be RooRoo while you are here. Sometime I'll have to tell you the funny story about how Gato got his name.

RooRoo is a 5 (we think) year old miniature Schnauzer. She's 21 pounds and stands about 12 inches tall at her back. She was left tied to the door of a nearby vet clinic, having just weaned a litter of puppies and already pregnant again.
The rescue in that area is run by a friend of ours and she was in a panic as all her foster homes were full. With our big fenced in yard and (mostly) friendly and welcoming dogs, this is not the first time we've been asked to foster. It's a hard job though and mostly I try to fly under the radar.
This foster however has been almost no trouble. They spayed her, gave her a dental check, pulled one of her teeth and tried to treat her horribly infected ears. They were so swollen inside that you couldn't even wash them out. Ugh. Keeping up with her meds has been the only "inconvenience".
This is one of the nicest dogs I've ever been around. She's leash trained, house trained, crate trained, perfect in the car. Good with cats, other dogs, chickens, little kids. Lets me open her mouth to stuff her antibiotics down her throat - because she caught onto the bread/cheese trick after her first dose - and doesn't fight having her ears doctored.
Other than mouthin' off when she gets excited about going to the barn or back to the house or going for a car ride and doing the roo roo roooo thing, you don't hear a peep out of her. She went to church with me Sunday and sat quietly under the piano while I played, talked to everyone after the service and wasn't bothered by even the big dogs that towered over her.

She mostly wanted to hide in her crate for the first couple of days - no wonder. However, if you could talk her into coming out, she was very happy to run around the yard. After the initial shock wore off some, she started coming out on her own, too curious to stay away. I would have to imagine this is a pretty fun place for a dog (unless you are jealous of the newcomer ;-) and she's adapted well.

Anyway, RooRoo is a very nice little dog, looking for a very good home. Any local folks, if you could forward her info to anyone you think might be interested...
If you have any questions, drop me an email at thecrazysheeplady at myfavoritesheep dot com.
Thank you!

We tried several different names for her - Gretta, Gretel, Gretchen... Nothing.

She says "Roo roo roo rooooo" to me all the time though, so I called her RooRoo back yesterday and that got her attention. So, little dog, you can be RooRoo while you are here. Sometime I'll have to tell you the funny story about how Gato got his name.

RooRoo is a 5 (we think) year old miniature Schnauzer. She's 21 pounds and stands about 12 inches tall at her back. She was left tied to the door of a nearby vet clinic, having just weaned a litter of puppies and already pregnant again.
The rescue in that area is run by a friend of ours and she was in a panic as all her foster homes were full. With our big fenced in yard and (mostly) friendly and welcoming dogs, this is not the first time we've been asked to foster. It's a hard job though and mostly I try to fly under the radar.
This foster however has been almost no trouble. They spayed her, gave her a dental check, pulled one of her teeth and tried to treat her horribly infected ears. They were so swollen inside that you couldn't even wash them out. Ugh. Keeping up with her meds has been the only "inconvenience".
This is one of the nicest dogs I've ever been around. She's leash trained, house trained, crate trained, perfect in the car. Good with cats, other dogs, chickens, little kids. Lets me open her mouth to stuff her antibiotics down her throat - because she caught onto the bread/cheese trick after her first dose - and doesn't fight having her ears doctored.
Other than mouthin' off when she gets excited about going to the barn or back to the house or going for a car ride and doing the roo roo roooo thing, you don't hear a peep out of her. She went to church with me Sunday and sat quietly under the piano while I played, talked to everyone after the service and wasn't bothered by even the big dogs that towered over her.

She mostly wanted to hide in her crate for the first couple of days - no wonder. However, if you could talk her into coming out, she was very happy to run around the yard. After the initial shock wore off some, she started coming out on her own, too curious to stay away. I would have to imagine this is a pretty fun place for a dog (unless you are jealous of the newcomer ;-) and she's adapted well.

Anyway, RooRoo is a very nice little dog, looking for a very good home. Any local folks, if you could forward her info to anyone you think might be interested...
If you have any questions, drop me an email at thecrazysheeplady at myfavoritesheep dot com.
Thank you!
Of course RooRoo is adorable and reminds me of Gucci (who was pregnant before she was a year old). What are some people thinking? That top photo is my favorite. I have a feeling that someone will want such a sweet thing.
Very cute! You are so kind to foster her and I'm glad she's working out.
It always saddens me to hear such stories of animal abuse. Pets are treated as objects to throw away or abuse. What a lovely and sweet little dog she is!
I love the name RooRoo - she is adorable. My son would love to have her and give her all of the love that she deserves, too bad we don't live closer.
RooRoo is a cute name. I'm having trouble naming my new pup:0(
By the way, love your Sunday Not Stills! Looks like good landscape to me, doesn't there always need to be a focal point?
Roo roo is a lucky dog to be fostered with you guys! Oh she is adorable. I wonder if her ear swelling will go down eventually. My westie Bailey has ear polyps and you cannot see into his ear. He was a rescue so I wonder if he had bad infections left untreated. I am certain he is hearing impaired although it is hard to tell when he is ignoring me doing his terrier thing or just flat can't hear. She sounds like a great find...I know she will get a good place to call home. Good for you to take her in.
How kind of you to rescue RooRoo. Looks like she really fits in on your farm as well. Now that she is spayed and treated, maybe someone will be a good steward and give her the kind of life she deserves. She is so sweet looking, I don't know how you could stand to part with her.
You are a wonderful human being.
My Sable 'talks' to me like your Roo Roo. She is the most vocal dog I have ever owned. She always has to get the last word in. Even when we go to bed at night. Just as I'm about to fall asleep I'll hear: RRrrooooooooooo
AWWW! I wish I had room in my truck, she is a cutie..:-)
You are just the best person, Sara! I love the name RooRoo. Maybe she will get to live in a warm loving place like yours, but I'm sure you will make sure of it.
Darling RooRoo is a lucky girl now. I hope her luck continues with a wonderful forever home. Have you tried "Pill Pockets" to give dogs or cats meds? They are sold at pet stores and vet offices here. They are the only way I can get my dogs to take pills. If you can't find them in Kentucky I will mail you some from Utah. Let me know.
It's killin' me!!! I want RooRoo!!!! Know any mobsters????
RooRoo is so lucky she has you to help her through her transition to a forever home. She sure seems like a dog that deserves a great home. NO - I have three dogs already!
RooRoo is so lucky she has you to help her through her transition to a forever home. She sure seems like a dog that deserves a great home. NO - I have three dogs already!
Wouldn't I just love to have RooRoo? You bet I would. What a sweetie.
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