Or at least a neat box in which to receive it.
Cecil Aguilar, who created the stonework under and around the wool house, built this for us.

I told him I wanted to put flowers on top so he hollowed out the middle and added a box with drainage.

Before you go thinking I'm some sort of flower arranging genius, I just bought an already assembled basket from a local flower shop, took it out of the pot and planted it ;-).

Our little country road.
On a sad/disturbing note, I wrote Cecil a check. Just like I'd write to anyone. He took it to our bank to cash it and they wouldn't until they'd "verified my signature". The same signature I use to write checks every day - and I've written checks to some pretty shady looking characters around here...with anglo names.
When I answered the call I was at first happy they were "looking out for me". I'm a bit slow and (try to) always think the best of people and thanked them for their excellent service and we rang off. It then dawned on me what had happened and I was mortified. I believe they had "profiled" one of only four certified Journeyman Stonemasons in the United States. A clean cut, well spoken, legal US citizen who happens to have an accent and a "funny" name.

I'm sorry. On several levels.
Sara, that is a beautiful accent to your already stunning property. I'm sorry about what happened, too. How quickly our country forgets that we ALL came from immigrants -- unless we happen to be native American, whom many of those immigrants treated pretty badly.
I love the mail box and it gives me great ideas!
Pretty sad that the person who constructed it was treated so poorly... Unfortunately, I'll bet it wasn't the first time. I would probably have to say something to the bank that they would not want to hear.
Your mailbox is just stunning. And I agree with Michelle what I have seen of your property everything you touch has a lovely feel to it.
I wonder if that is my bank, a huge old giant of a thing touting a stagecoach for a logo. They make me just fuming at times. I've been a v.e.r.y. good customers for over 40 years and randomly I get a 'new' person that makes me jump through all sorts of hoops, will even talk down to me because I have two common names. My first name is very common and my last name is very common. I threated to leave and find another bank, but then I would be a new customer and who knows what that would cause.
It's really an ugly world sometimes, but it is the people that are causing it.
That turned out spectacular!
Years ago one time the bank refused to allow several checks in my account to be cashed by no less, the USPS, the phone company, and the power company. They decided the signature did not look right. I no longer bank there.
The flower box is very pretty on top of your mailbox.
The box is just beautiful! I am still trying to get the hubby to redo our mail box but he keeps putting it off because when winter comes the snow plows like to wipe them out!
It's lovely. If it were me, I'd write a letter to my bank and cc: the complaint with the appropriate agency. This stuff will never stop unless someone does something about it.
The stone covered mailbox is a lovely as I'd imagined. It looks like a professional built it and it will make you smile when you go to get your mail, or when you drive up to your farm, to be sure. What a great landmark!
That is beautiful and the flowers a really nice touch.
Dad and I went for a long drive today to pick up some hives so we took the back roads where we could admire the architecture - lovely old stone built homes. I commented to Dad that I don't think there are any stone masons left in North America. I'm so glad to read your blog tonight and learn there still are some around.
The mailbox and stonework is stunning. But I vehemently agree with flowerweaver - this won't stop unless we do something about it. I would stop doing business with that bank immediately, and make sure they know the reason why.
Nobody is going to take a ball bat and knock that mailbox down anytime soon.
My mailman would probably say he is allergic to bees and I need to remove the flowers.
Yeah. We live in that kind of world.
Beautiful mailbox...humbling story. Bonnie Jo
Beautiful Mailbox. Ugly bankers.
Love your mail box. It's perfect!
That is too bad about your bank. I probably would have had the same reaction you did at first, thinking they were looking out for me, but then wonder why they called when that never happens to me.
You'll have to let us know if you talk to them about it.
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