We are still planning an Open Wool House next Saturday, October 30th, from 1:00 to 4:00. October 30th is a special day not only because it's National Hug A Sheep Day, but also because that was Punkin's birthday. He would have been 18 this year. How could that much time have gone by so quickly.

Baby Punkin
I know several other folks around the country are hosting special activities that day. There are farm and sheep education days planned, spin ins, knit ins, sheep herding demonstrations... Anyone can participate. I bet there are even some yarn shops out there with a big stuffed plush sheep you could hug :-). Leave your name (and a link if you'd like) in the comments and I'll post everyone on the Hug A Sheep blogspot.
If you'd like to come out to Equinox Farm and Hug A Sheep, bring some vanilla wafers and take your pick of any number of punks who'd be thrilled to welcome you with open
Bring your wheel, camera, a current project, questions, good ideas (but please not your dogs ;-). Would you like to learn to spin? Knit? Needle felt? Hook rugs? Prefer to just sit out in the (hopefully) warm fall sun and watch the sheep graze? You are welcome.
If anyone needs directions or if you are coming from out of town and need a good B&B, drop me an email.
How cool is that. I had no idea there was a "Hug your sheep day." I actually have sheep to hug and that makes it even better :)
Please add me...Amy at www.verdefarm.com
Sorry you are so far away!
hope there is a whole lotta huggin goin on. Sorry that I don't live close. Have fun.
Awwwww....wish I lived closer...sooo cool. I can not wait to see the pics from that day :)
Wish I lived closer too! I'll just have to hug my rug hooking project!
If I was remotely within driving distance I would be there. If I didn't have a bunch of young kids I'd take a several thousand mile adventure to see your place.
I guess it will be my day to hug Daisy. Although she would rather I didn't.
If I lived anywhere near you I would be there for sure :-(
I'd like nothing better than to come hug some of the alumni from here! Alas, I'll have to wait for another opportunity. I KNOW I'll get down there someday to visit. In the meantime, count me in at www.nistockfarms.com , and I want T shirts if you do them!
Sounds like it will be lots of fun and I'm sure you'll post about it. Like everyone else, I wish I were closer so I could come. We will be home though that weekend, so I'll have to look and see if anyone is doing anything for the day in our area! There are lots of sheep ranches in Montana, so surely someone is!
What a darling baby Punkin!
How could I possibly choose one from your list!!
I want to hug them all.
Oh, dear Punkin'... Sure hope to make it w/ or w/o the grandchildren! Love your logo!
The logo is adorable! Count me in for a T-shirt as well! What fun this premier event will be! Thanks for hosting and sharing your sheep with all of us ;-)
What fun! I will be There in spirit. To honor the day's celebrations, I'll find a Texas sheep around here to hug.
Love the Logo!
You've convinced me! I've decided to incorporate "Hug a Sheep Day" into the Halloween Party/Hay Ride I'm hosting for 20+ kids. It's a guarantee the sheep will get lots of crackers and hugs anyway! Love the idea!
I no longer have my dear Maya to hug and while I didn't have her for very long I will never, ever forget the first day I brought her home from the livestock auction. I was 42 years old but I may has well have been a little girl getting her first beloved pet. I had all these fine intentions of spinning her wool and making something. To commemorate her I have a stuff sheep that I named Maya in her honor and she will definitely get some hugs. Your blog is wonderful. Thank you.
I no longer have my dear Maya to hug and while I didn't have her for very long I will never, ever forget the first day I brought her home from the livestock auction. I was 42 years old but I may has well have been a little girl getting her first beloved pet. I had all these fine intentions of spinning her wool and making something. To commemorate her I have a stuff sheep that I named Maya in her honor and she will definitely get some hugs. Your blog is wonderful. Thank you.
How fun! Never knew there was such a day... We'll be out hugging our favorite sheep for sure. :) And, please give Miss Ewenice a hug from me... I'd love to do it in person but I'm afraid the other side of the country is a bit far to travel right now. Love the logo! Did you design it? Can I steal it for my blog (a post, and in the widgets?)
The 30th is my Lexie's birthday too. She would have been 14. I really hope to visit! I need to hug a sheep, especially that day.
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