At the risk of making some of my Kentucky friends cry...

I'm not sure if I was more happy to get to meet Sunday Stills Ed and his delightful father yesterday or see the sky break open. As no one else I know got more than a few drops, I feel it's safe to say Ed was the catalyst and I'm taking reservations to rent him out ;-).
I love the colors (well, obviously green grass would have made me even happier) in this picture Ed took as I ran out to let the stupid sheep into the barn. The gate just to their right was open...but they couldn't find it. Mostly I'll defend their intelligence. Mostly. You will note Graham and Keebler are nowhere to be found in this "challenged" bunch.

That's because they were in the barn mugging Ed.
Thanks Diane for the cookies. They loved 'em!
They thought Ed was pretty great too ;-).

I'm not sure if I was more happy to get to meet Sunday Stills Ed and his delightful father yesterday or see the sky break open. As no one else I know got more than a few drops, I feel it's safe to say Ed was the catalyst and I'm taking reservations to rent him out ;-).
I love the colors (well, obviously green grass would have made me even happier) in this picture Ed took as I ran out to let the stupid sheep into the barn. The gate just to their right was open...but they couldn't find it. Mostly I'll defend their intelligence. Mostly. You will note Graham and Keebler are nowhere to be found in this "challenged" bunch.

That's because they were in the barn mugging Ed.
Thanks Diane for the cookies. They loved 'em!
They thought Ed was pretty great too ;-).
Yes, we got rain!!! Actually, we are getting some now!!!!!
I'm so glad you got to meet Ed. How'd that happen? Check out my sky shots from this morning...familiar?
Look at those shameless sheep mugging Ed for cookies!
Graham and Keebler know where the bootie's with just about every guest who visits the Equinox Farm! Now Ed will know those sheep with character when you write about 'em.
I can't wait to go to the store again and get some vanilla wafers. I'm dying to know if Daisy will eat them.
Some of our sheep can be mighty picky but when it comes to the cookies they all gather round!
I had toooo much fun during the visit, can't wait to visit again. I'll do a post in a couple of days with more pics..:-))
Glad I brought the rain..;-)
Loved the mugged shot of Ed with his hand in the box and the pushy boys...
BY the way did you know that lucky four-leaf clovers occur only in about one out of 10,000 plants!
The plant that raised the last posted four leaf clover has three on it right now. Two are fives, but I don't care. I'm trying to decide if I'm going to let it over-winter outside or dig it up and move it inside and replant next spring. Any thoughts?
was in lex yesterday and didn't see rain, glad you got back in time as we had a nice shower in the late evening. your sheep are so pretty!
Oh we got rain too!!! I don't know if it is enough to turn brown into green, but we took it nonetheless!
I just love your sheep.
That's a fabulous picture of Ed with Keebler and Graham Lamb! I hope Ed will visit us when he is driving out our way sometime!!!
I LOVE both those shots! That one of you opening the gate is absolutely gorgeous... The light is lovely and you look like a happy go lucky gal with happy go lucky sheep! :) The one of Ed getting mugged his hilarious... Definitely farm shots that gives us all a visual of what your life is like. :D
PS: Almost forgot what I wanted to mention... I've got a new littl gal who is closely related to your two new Jacobs from Blue Ewe. :) We're almost family now! ;)
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