If you hear Keebler clomp clomping across the porch, it's not really a surprise. He's "special".

When he brings along four of his closest friends,

Jacob sheep don't tend to come knocking on the door unless they've been otherwise influenced by a member of "the bad crowd".
Trick or Treat!?!

Hey, how come we don't have these nice chairs? Wait! I think I found a quarter!

This would be a lovely picture of Miss Mia...except she's eating all the blooms off one of my favorite geraniums (everything is on the porch because we were worried about frost last night).

And when they start checking out the construction...

Yeah, whatever lady. We are so coming back to egg your stupid house and your stupid porch with your stupid flowers!
That's too funny that they come right to the porch looking for you. I tried the vanilla wafers with Daisy and she loved them! Now I've become more interesting to her! :)
Can they get the eggs from your chickens?
Gayle - I'm not surprised ;-).
Lori - I wouldn't be surprised!
LOL!!! Night of the living sheep...
good luck on tomorrows open house, wish I could be there..:-))
So cute!!! This was lots of fun.
LOL, that's priceless.
Too, too cute. They forgot their trick-or-treat bags! Looking for 'nilla' wafers I bet. :)
Oh how funny!! I will never forget the time a friend stopped by to visit and her little boy had a handful of cookies and out to visit the sheep. All of a sudden we heard this blood-curdling screaming coming from the backyard. Little boy did not know that the sheep could jump the fence and they were chasing him all the way to the house to get those cookies!!!
If they are not the cutest little things ever. I love it! I hope my sheep get so comfortable with us that they come visit if they ever get out of the pasture :)
Our whole family enjoyed this one!
That's a beautiful photo of Mia. Too bad she's eating the flowers! Let's hope they don't go trick-or-treating elsewhere!
I love love love your posts. This one was awesome.
I can't feed our ewes cookies anymore because they will jump all over me to get them....absolutely no manners. I will be sure to give them all hugs.
Your sheep are all special :)
I love all your sheep photos and good luck with you open house today. I would love to be able to come, but it's too far. I have put a photo of me hugging my stuffed sheep "Floyd" on my blog. Happy Hug a Sheep Day!! I'll be thinking of you!
Thanks for the laugh this morning :) Happy Hug a Sheep Day!
Ya, we have that happen here every once in a while, except here, it's cows. lol
Perhaps they were looking for HUGS???
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