Sending out a big thank you to everyone who helped make the 2010 Kentucky Wool Festival fantastic! I think everyone had a great weekend and I know we all had a lot of fun. It was so nice to meet some new friends, visit with some "old" and I saw enough shopping bags throughout the weekend to know we all have some fun projects to work on this winter.
Speaking of projects, I did not get my Jester sweater finished in time (and could have worn it on Sunday!). I had a feeling that might happen, so I wasn't horribly surprised. As I unpacked the trailer this morning, I set it aside in hopes of getting to sit down with it this afternoon. I still have a couple orders to send out though, a few more emails to answer and a beekeepers meeting tonight, so maybe tomorrow...

Besides, if you devote an entire "photo shoot" to your stitch markers (this one looks like he's climbing up over a hill, doesn't he?) as opposed to the actual sweater, you probably are still a bit too tired to be knitting fair isle anyway ;-).

A whole flock of cuteness!

This one's bungy jumping! Wheeeee!!!
I probably shouldn't even be driving tonight, eh?
The brown yarn is my crocheted provisional cast on at the bottom of the body. I had a feeling I might run short of white yarn and need to work some pattern around the bottom. I was right.

The gray yarn is what I'd originally planned for the edge of my sleeves. I think I'm going to rip those back a couple inches as well and work some pattern there too. It will probably tie the entire sweater together better and will also give me a small area to test my patterning.
And an excuse to use more stitch markers!
Speaking of projects, I did not get my Jester sweater finished in time (and could have worn it on Sunday!). I had a feeling that might happen, so I wasn't horribly surprised. As I unpacked the trailer this morning, I set it aside in hopes of getting to sit down with it this afternoon. I still have a couple orders to send out though, a few more emails to answer and a beekeepers meeting tonight, so maybe tomorrow...

Besides, if you devote an entire "photo shoot" to your stitch markers (this one looks like he's climbing up over a hill, doesn't he?) as opposed to the actual sweater, you probably are still a bit too tired to be knitting fair isle anyway ;-).

A whole flock of cuteness!

This one's bungy jumping! Wheeeee!!!
I probably shouldn't even be driving tonight, eh?
The brown yarn is my crocheted provisional cast on at the bottom of the body. I had a feeling I might run short of white yarn and need to work some pattern around the bottom. I was right.

The gray yarn is what I'd originally planned for the edge of my sleeves. I think I'm going to rip those back a couple inches as well and work some pattern there too. It will probably tie the entire sweater together better and will also give me a small area to test my patterning.
And an excuse to use more stitch markers!
You are such an amazingly talented person....
I really like the grey edging.
Those silly sheep look hilarious on your sweater! Better keep them away from the real silly sheep!
Hey, I was looking for someone to teach me how to knit. Hint, hint. Hehehehehehe
I really like the grey edging too. And those are the cutest stitch markers ever!
I AM SO IMPRESSED! I just had to shout that out. I love to "knit". I'll use that term loosely because you are REALLY knitting. A provisional something-or-other. That lost me. Anyhoo, I do love knitting simple blankets, hats, etc. and I love colorful yarn although I am forced into the cheap stuff which doesn't last, but I still have fun anyhow. Maybe someday I'll grow up and be able to do what you do.
Shoot, I'm already grown up. I guess not.
Again..I'm impressed.
I can't wait to see the finished sweater! I've not tried Fair Isle yet ~ it looks intimidating to me. CUTE stitch markers! Isn't it amazing how much fun such a little thing can add to knitting?
When you get caught up, why don't you email me and we can chat about HAS...
I'm planning my Open House for the 30th
I LOVE the stitch markers! Too cute.
I shared *you* on my blog today ~ love you sheep sister!
I've heard of the shopping syndrome and even class-overload syndrome from attending Fiber Festivals, but Stitch-Marker Fever is a new one! I can understand, though, with so much cuteness going on. It certainly inspires lovely knitting, too :-)
Just don't let Graham Lamb do the ripping! Glad fun was had by all.
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