It's been a rough day for me. Nowhere near as rough as this poor sheep has endured though. Nowhere near as rough as for the vet that spent almost two hours working on her this afternoon and the kind animal control and rescue folks from another county that have been fighting for her for the last several days.
I'm not going to post any details. They are so horrible you don't want to see, hear or read about it. I will take care of her wounds, but won't take any pictures of them. Even if she miraculously pulls through I won't ever want to go back and look at them. I'm sure of that.
In the meantime, she is here. I don't know what breed she is, how old she is, what her name is. I do know that she's the bravest, toughest, strongest willed sheep I've ever known and as soon as I heard her story I wanted to try to help.
So send up your prayers. She needs them. I could probably use a few myself.
Added this morning: Mostly we need prayers. This is not going to be an easy road. For either of us. Louanne, Keebler's buddy from the vet clinic, is coming out tonight to help me doctor on her. That's a huge help.
In the meantime, I would ask anyone who feels the need to go look it up - and I strongly advise not to - it will break your heart - to not leave comments anywhere, here or there, that would allow anyone to figure out who and where she (the sheep) is.
The humane society folks from her county could, as always, use some help. If anyone would like to send them a donation, please contact me privately.
Thank you so very much for all your kind words and support. It matters.
Well, she saw her life as worthwhile or she would have given up days ago. I'm happy that you and the animal control and rescue folks and the vet feel the same way. May abundant blessings come your way and of course {{{hugs}}}.
Oh Sara, this breaks my heart. She is precious and I am praying for you both right now. She is so innocent and sweet in her eyes. I don't know what happened but thank God for folks like you!!
Poor sheep. Her eyes seem bright and alert and the set of her ears is fairly perky given her circumstances. I'm thinkin' that if she makes it you should name her Phoenix. (But don't name her yet - you don't want to jinx her.). You've done all you can for her today. Get some sleep knowing that she's better off than she has been in a long time.
Thank you for taking her in Sara...I'm not surprised that you would do such a thing. If anyone can get her through this, it's you. Please keep us posted. She is very beautiful.
I am pulling for you both. You are amazingly good-hearted to do this for her, and she clearly apprecaites your kindness.
I'm SO glad you got her. I will absolutely pray for you both. Jesus was a shepherd. I think that makes sheepies even more special.
Bless you! And her.
Oh Sara, Thank you for stepping up to try to help her. You're brave too, because we all know how you're going to suffer along with her every step of the way.
She couldn't be in better hands.
Hugs to both of you and prayers too. I hope you all don't mind if I say; she must have a guardian angel that brought her to you.
Pls. keep us posted.
It's a blessing that animals live "in the moment". Right now, she is safe. And cared for. Hopefully resting and gaining strength.
I suspect you won't be getting much sleep tonight.
Sending prayers for both of you. I wish I could help. :-(
Punkin would be proud, Sara. May she keep fighting until the good care gets her on safer ground.
Bless you Sara, my prayers for you both.Hugs to both of you.
She does look a lot like Phoebe. Sending positive thoughts for healing.
She is so wonderful! I pray she will heal and make through all! I know you will be there to help her through! She looks like one of the sheep I used to own, my heart goes out to you both. I am so happy to see she is standing! That in itself is a wonderful thing!
what a face...she looks grateful. the unsinkable molly brown.
I send my sincerest prayers ( and a few tears) to you sweet little sheep.
You are a good person Sara.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and the hurt sheep. God listens and he cares! Hugs for you all!!
Well, I know she couldn't be any better taken care of than to be in your care. I hope she heals quickly and completely.
When you said you heard it on the news, I looked it up. You're right, it is hideous, and thank you for caring enough to step in and try to save her.
My question is, is there anything WE can do? Help pay vet bills, help you in any way, contact the authorities to try to stop the situation?
Asking The Shepherd to hold her close to his heart.....
Mostly we need prayers. This is not going to be an easy road. For either of us. Louanne, Keebler's buddy from the clinic is coming out tonight to help me doctor on her. That's a huge help.
In the meantime, I would ask anyone who feels the need to go look it up - and I strongly advise not to - it will break your heart - to not leave comments anywhere, here or there, that would allow anyone to figure out who and where she is.
The humane society folks from her county could, as always, use some help. If anyone would like to send them a donation, please contact me privately.
Thank you so very much for all your kind words and support. It matters.
She looks so sweet. God Bless you for all that you are doing for her.
You know animals come through horrible things because of Love.. I will be praying for this little one and for you. I'm sure the love and care you give will be what brings this one back to a life. All it needs now is one of those blankets that sheep people put on their sheep. I have never seen that before here in Iowa..
This is an example that God shows us on loving one another. He loves us so much and we are his sheep and he cares for us so much. Thanks for caring for this cute little sheep who has beautiful eyes.. He's showing his love to you through his eyes.
ta ta for now...annieptigger@aol.com From Iowa.
Thanks for the e-mail...I can hardly wait to get your package...
you are tiggeriffic~!~!
Thank goodness there is an equal amount of love out there to counter the meanness and hate. You are right - I won't look. It is enough that you are there for this innocent being. My heart goes out to you, her and all who have gathered together to heal her. I am sending her a virtual hug.
I would like to send a donation, please email me.
Sending prayers of comfort for your charge and strength and courage for you both.
~love and understanding~
I won't look anything up. I certainly trust your judgement on that one. I'd get too upset if I knew more.
Prayers going up for you both right now!
Hugs to you both and a speedy recovery to such a beautiful girl.
Well. Thank you for taking on that little girl. I will not look it up. There are enough nasty stories around. I will certainly put you, Louanne, our girl, and all who care for her in my prayers. I will also add the beings, who or what ever they are, who hurt her. They must surely be deluded and lost to have harmed her.
You are quite the saint yourself. She is in good hands and I am sending prayers for both of you. Stay strong in the coming days.
Oh goodness, I am just catching up on reading blogs and discovered your Renny. What a lucky girl she is to have found you and Miss Ewenice. I take it that you think she is out of the woods now and will survive her injuries?
We sure hope so, but are still holding our breath.
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