This will be a true challenge so pay attention to the parameters. The picture must contain one old school item next to a new high tech item, for instance a dial phone next to a cell phone. So lets see how ya’ll think and good luck… :-).
Speaking of good luck! I read the new challenge last Sunday and couldn't believe my good fortune. My electric Hansen miniSpinner was on it's way, set to arrive Tuesday.

I hated having to wait until Sunday to post pictures. It was killing me. What would I have to fill a half a week's blog space while I waiting (mostly) patiently for Sunday? Enter Renny.
The poor Hansen miniSpinner. Trumped by an inspirational sheep story.
Renny looked good this morning. She's up and about eating hay and pushed Ewenice out of her way to get outside when we opened the door. She's curious about us, but leery. I don't blame her though with all she's been through. I do think she knows we are trying to help her, but at this point she "ain't gonna eat none of your stinkin cookies". We'll see how long that lasts ;-).

Renny, small and mighty. Hansen mS, small and mighty as well and almost as cute. I can carry it and a whole lot of other stuff with one hand. The antique Great Wheel in the background requires two people to move. If you look closely you can see some spun yarn on both machines.

In addition, the miniSpinner is equipped with a WooLee Winder. That's the plastic gear driven mechanism that moves the ring on the black arm back and forth to wind the spun yarn around the bobbin evenly.
Like a true slog I can sit on the couch and spin with the mS. The Great Wheel, also known as a Walking Wheel, requires...walking. Both are fine, hard working tools.
For more Sunday Stills...
Speaking of good luck! I read the new challenge last Sunday and couldn't believe my good fortune. My electric Hansen miniSpinner was on it's way, set to arrive Tuesday.

I hated having to wait until Sunday to post pictures. It was killing me. What would I have to fill a half a week's blog space while I waiting (mostly) patiently for Sunday? Enter Renny.
The poor Hansen miniSpinner. Trumped by an inspirational sheep story.
Renny looked good this morning. She's up and about eating hay and pushed Ewenice out of her way to get outside when we opened the door. She's curious about us, but leery. I don't blame her though with all she's been through. I do think she knows we are trying to help her, but at this point she "ain't gonna eat none of your stinkin cookies". We'll see how long that lasts ;-).

Renny, small and mighty. Hansen mS, small and mighty as well and almost as cute. I can carry it and a whole lot of other stuff with one hand. The antique Great Wheel in the background requires two people to move. If you look closely you can see some spun yarn on both machines.

In addition, the miniSpinner is equipped with a WooLee Winder. That's the plastic gear driven mechanism that moves the ring on the black arm back and forth to wind the spun yarn around the bobbin evenly.
Like a true slog I can sit on the couch and spin with the mS. The Great Wheel, also known as a Walking Wheel, requires...walking. Both are fine, hard working tools.
For more Sunday Stills...
Glad to hear that Renny is hanging in there. My mini-spinner is due to be delivered by UPS tomorrow!! I can hardly contain myself!
What a lucky time to be able to post a Sunday Stills with your new spinner! It looks adorable!
Glad to hear the update on Renny is so positive. I'm sure with time she'll learn the tastiness of 'nilla wafers.
Glad to hear Renny is such a trooper. Sounds like Santa is going to be busy trying to fill all these orders for the mini-spinner! Great choice for the challenge!
That is great you have a miniSpinner. I absolutely LOVE mine! And so great to hear Reeny is doing well.
I was thinking last night that Renny wasn't going to know how to eat cookies. I wonder how long it will take.
Very cool, I prefer the old spinner, it gives the yarn some class but I bet the electric is much easier..:-)
Clever looking contraption you got. Must be tons o' fun to play with.
That last photo has great composition. Nice job!
You KNOW I've been waiting for this. ;-) And the news about Renny is GREAT!
Great entry, as always. Got word yesterday from Lynne of StD that she's been dropping in, too. Can't wait to refer her to today's entry.
So...the miniSpinner allows you to multitask? As in watch movies and spin at the same time? Cool!
....and then there's what I use....a drop spindle, that's as low tech almost as using your fingers;)
Happy to hear that Renny is gaining strength - who wouldn't when they have you, an angel, and St. Tim looking after them. How exciting for you to be enjoying your new Hansen mini-spinner with the Woolee Winder. After practicing with your lovely gifted spindle for a few days, I ordered a 3" drop spindle from Golding and am loving it. Thank you for your encouragement.
June from NH
I'm sure the mini-spinnter makes your life easier.
Maybe Renny needs Ed there to feed her cookies. LOL
OOOOO! I need to check those out! I love my Roberta, electronic spinner but they are SO expensive. I'd like to become a distributor for electronic spinners, so I think I'll check the Hansen Mini out!
SO happy to hear that Renny is continuing to improve!
Oh, Renny, you go girl! I am so proud of you for hanging in there!
I love that you have the large wheel in all your shots! great shots!
What a cute little spinner..I bet it is fun to watch. GREAT choice for the challenge:)
Love it. It's on my wish list! It's really cool to see how the Hansens have built this business. Enjoy spinning on it.
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