Shepherds take warning.


Sure enough, bad weather by mid morning. Rain, sleet, nasty cold. The sheep didn't go out to pasture until mid afternoon. If it's too yucky for them to go out and eat...enough said.

We had Renny sheared the other day. She was so loaded with cockleburs you had to wear gloves to catch her and her belly was covered in nasty mud that we worried might cause a secondary skin infection. Not what she needed.
We worried about shearing so late in the year, but her wool matted with burs wasn't much insulation as it was and much of it was falling off anyway. Luckily the nice couple who came over to shear her were able to leave some of the wool on her back and sides about an inch long.
She seemed much happier instantly and it will hopefully start growing back soon. In the meantime I took an old wool horse "cooler", doubled it up and made her a blanket to wear on nasty days like today when she can't/shouldn't go outside.

Classic Ewenice. This is why you never want to get between her and her food. It's a blur!
Renny's hanging in there. I've had lots of good, much appreciated help and I'm getting better at doctoring on her wounds every day. This has all not been anything I really wanted to add to my resume, but she's such a brave, trusting, sweet little girl that it will (hopefully) all be worth it. Keep the prayers coming.


Sure enough, bad weather by mid morning. Rain, sleet, nasty cold. The sheep didn't go out to pasture until mid afternoon. If it's too yucky for them to go out and eat...enough said.

We had Renny sheared the other day. She was so loaded with cockleburs you had to wear gloves to catch her and her belly was covered in nasty mud that we worried might cause a secondary skin infection. Not what she needed.
We worried about shearing so late in the year, but her wool matted with burs wasn't much insulation as it was and much of it was falling off anyway. Luckily the nice couple who came over to shear her were able to leave some of the wool on her back and sides about an inch long.
She seemed much happier instantly and it will hopefully start growing back soon. In the meantime I took an old wool horse "cooler", doubled it up and made her a blanket to wear on nasty days like today when she can't/shouldn't go outside.

Classic Ewenice. This is why you never want to get between her and her food. It's a blur!
Renny's hanging in there. I've had lots of good, much appreciated help and I'm getting better at doctoring on her wounds every day. This has all not been anything I really wanted to add to my resume, but she's such a brave, trusting, sweet little girl that it will (hopefully) all be worth it. Keep the prayers coming.
I love the blanket you made for Remy. I'm sure it feels a lot better than all those burrrrrrrssss.
That red sky at morning is no joke. Your herd of sheep is looking pretty large! Hope you are able to have a great Thanksgiving Day. Is it pretty cold down there at night now?
I think Renny looks happier, warm in her new coat. You are the best!
The red sky is so beautiful~!
Remy is so cute with his blanket on him... SOOOOO CUTE~! how precious is that. I'm sure he is feeling better because of the love that is given to him and all the prayers.. He probably thinks he is in heaven...He has never had it so good...
Have a great Thanksgiving~! ta ta for now...from Iowa... it's 32 degrees, windy and just a downright nasty day. now it's raining and thundering.. sounds weird..
Renny looks super from this end! I can even see the bump showing a full rumen. Good for you. You are doing 110% for her and it shows. Calling for ice and other nastiness tomorrow. Everyone stay home, stay safe and be thankful for all we have. If we tried to count our blessings we'd run out of numbers.
It warms my heart to see how well Renny looks. I have faith she'll be fine and once spring has arrived she'll be like one of the spring lambs!
Renny looks so much less stressed in these photos! You can really see that she's relaxing in her new home. You're going to have one heck of a bond with that lucky, little girl...
Happy Thanksgiving to you and all you love!
I am in love with Renny. What a courageous soul! She seems to be enjoying her new blanket. I can only imagine that her shearing helped her feel so much better.
Sending more prayers for sweet little Renny.
Last year we brought home a little sheep that was rescued from an auction barn. She has a good home now with some goatie friends. She had the same 'look' as Renny. Small and Shetlandish but with those kind of airplane ears.
Renny looks so smart in her new coat, so glad you had someone to shear her without a lot of stress, can't imagine how painful all the burrs etc were, she looks happier now and is it my imagination or does Miss Eunice look a bit perkier lately. Prayers for a complete recovery for Renny and wishing you a great Thanksgiving. We have gone from -30 to -1.3.
She looks so sweet! I just want to hug her and squeeze her.
She seems to understand how much you love her. She just stands and lets you take photos ect.
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