There was an email in my inbox this morning from Saint Tim. A list of possible names he thought might be good for the little ewe. One in particular got my attention. Renny - a Gaelic name meaning small and mighty. Yep. Reason #4857302 we call him Saint Tim.

The sun came out this afternoon and I decided to see if Renny would like to go outside for a bit. I sat with her in the lamb pen - she was very nervous about Hank - and she soon settled down and started grazing.

Hank watched her closely (and slept outside her door last night - Saint Hank?).

Sheep are flock animals and prefer to have a buddy. Miss Ewenice has gotten so wobbly herself that I decided they'd be a perfect match.

And they were.

The sun came out this afternoon and I decided to see if Renny would like to go outside for a bit. I sat with her in the lamb pen - she was very nervous about Hank - and she soon settled down and started grazing.

Hank watched her closely (and slept outside her door last night - Saint Hank?).

Sheep are flock animals and prefer to have a buddy. Miss Ewenice has gotten so wobbly herself that I decided they'd be a perfect match.

And they were.
Perfect name and perfect more ways than one. ;) Prayers still being sent.
It is a perfect name! Glad Renny has a friend now too.
She's up, she's grazing, she's acting like a sheep. I've had a couple who got very sick - down, not eating - for a week or two and they survived. I predict a very happy outcome for Renny!
Renny, your life is going to be so sweet. Your going to get all better, have lots of food and cookies and lots of love. You deserve it, so enjoy every minute. Can't wait to meet you.
So glad to read your post, was so worried and thought about you and the little sheep all day and am so relieved to see her up and about and actually grazing, brings tears to my eyes, it has made my day.prayers being sent that she keeps improving!!
Awe, she's a Shetland isn't she? Poor little thing. I like the name Renny. I also liked The Unsinkable Molly Brown too though. I'm glad to see she's up and around and has a buddy.
It is so good to see her grazing a little. If she had a strong will to live before, I would bet it's gotten stronger today after looking around at her new home.
Won't stop praying though.
Let me know when she is up to having cookies...
Rennie is a great name for your new addition. It looks as though she has been welcomed by your farm family quite readily too. I hope she heals quickly although I'll bet you have many days of work cut out for you to make this happen.
You can always count on Ms. Ewenice! Glad to see Renny settling into the flock. She will soon learn Hank is her guardian angel.
I missed the post from yesterday so I had to go back and catch up. She looks like she is already to settle in to her new home and I send my prayers to make for a happy ending;)
You must be working your magic looks like Renny is doing well.
Glad she's doing better- I looked up her stary, aweful, horrendous- the words don't cover it. Anyway, glad she's with you. Definatly not a shetand, too big- I breed shetlands. She does resemble a black suffolk, though. Hope she keeps on making progress!
Aw, Sara ~ I'm so glad that Renny made it through her first night in her new home. There has to be a special place in heaven for someone like you, who gives so tirelessly of your love.
How wonderful that Miss Ewenice has a new friend who needs her help and guidance. Surely she will ease Renny's fears as she adjusts to her new home. May they find great comfort with one another.
And may God. Bless. You!
She's actually quite small. We have estimated her weight at 100-125 lbs. I think she probably is at least part Shetland. If you can get past the burrs she has pretty nice wool. Her tough, primitive behavior suggests Shetland too I think. The ears? Suffolk. Head? Hampshire. Who knows, but whatever she is, she's one tough cookie.
How wonderful! She is such a pretty little ewe.
You and Tim are both saints Prayers are going up! =)
I am so thankful that Renny seems to be turning the corner. Awwww, how sweet of Ewenice to be a companion. How wonderful of Hank to keep an eye on her, too! Would he let you know if she was having problems?
Outstanding - SO glad she managed to find ewe!
I think ewe and St. Tim are also angels on this earth. I know she would thank you for everything if she could. I know it will be thanks enough for her to continue to get better and make herself at home.
Rennie was doing very well tonight:)The heat in her leg has almost diminished. No where as hot as last night!!!! When I left she was eating her hay with Eunice and almost smiling as if to say "thanks guys for helping me" Tough little girl. Keep the prayers coming.
I'm sorry but you're not allowed to skip a day of blogging when we're all on pins and needles, waiting to hear the next report on Renny's condition.
Still saying prayers for you both!
Renny is so lucky to have a beautiful home and a loving Mum. So happy for you all!
Saint Hank! Oh, yes, oh yes oh yes!
I'm glad she is doing better and able to go outside and graze. She must feel she has gone to heaven.
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