While we are mostly known for our pterodactyls, it looks like we have another resident dinosaur.

"Ack! Turn off the lights! Yeesh, I hate Mondays."

Actually, he (or she) was happy to feel some warm sun. Saint Tim found it under a tarp and it was cool enough under there that I was able to walk out with the camera and watch it wake up.

"Ai! King Kong! Put me down!"

I'm pretty sure this is a salamander, but not sure what kind and I don't have time to look it up right now. Jump in if you know!

"Ack! Turn off the lights! Yeesh, I hate Mondays."

Actually, he (or she) was happy to feel some warm sun. Saint Tim found it under a tarp and it was cool enough under there that I was able to walk out with the camera and watch it wake up.

"Ai! King Kong! Put me down!"

I'm pretty sure this is a salamander, but not sure what kind and I don't have time to look it up right now. Jump in if you know!
Look him up here:
Yuck. When I lived in Louisiana, we had Geckos all over - they would even get in the house sometimes. We had a Five-lined Skink that lived in a flower bed.
Aw, I think he's cute! Go back and look at that little smiling (haha) face :-).
Great pictures! They are so darned cute.
That would be a FAT salamander...
Cute little salamander but I still wouldn't pick him up LOL!!
We just had snow here today :(
OMG! I found one of those in the garden last summer but is was HUGE! I should send you the picture :D
Very cute! I like tiny dinosaurs...
I love salamanders :) Great pictures of the little (fat) guy!
Awesome shots! He really IS smiling! I won a writing contest once about trying to catch one without touching it with my hands. Needless to say it was rather comical.
The salamanders we had were far wetter than that little guy. They had gills that came out the side of their heads and would never be in earth that dry because they absorb oxygen through the water on their skin. That little one looks almost lizard like - could very well be a salamander though. It has a salamander face. I think it is cute.
He looks like a Jefferson/Mole Salamander found in hills and valleys and comes out in the Spring to mate. Just a guess, though. I think he is charming!
TOO COOL!!! Looks like a salamander, when I get home next week I may have to go lizard hunting on the hill..:-)
haha fat Salamander sounds good to me!
Love the pictures!!
He is so cute! I used to have fire belly newts and loved the little squirmy guys. Looks like he is eating well at your place. :)
A sure sign of Spring!! :)
Wow, odd looking animal. Pretty cool though!
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