And yes, I realize just typing those words is daring the universe to "bring it"...again.

1. It's back to cold, damp and dreary. Whew! It's bad to be hit with SAD (Summer Affected Disorder ;-) so early in the year.

2. My parents were here for a couple days and did all sorts of helpful things including pruning all the fruits trees - especially The Hardest Working Little Peach Tree.

3. We got a couple strawberry beds planted.

4. Saint Tim and my dad got the garden cleaned up and tilled. There is cabbage, broccoli, spinach and sweet onions planted now.

5. Flowerweaver helped me and Stella get our seeds started and under grow lights. The (backwards facing) tags made from a cut up cottage cheese container are working well. Great tip!

6. All the fleeces are sorted (I said sorted, not skirted) and up off the ground. Only one is washed so far. I am in big trouble getting ready for the spring festival :-o.

7. The new floor in the wash room kicks butt.

8. And you can see the floor in the wool house once again.
I found a couple treasures while organizing the loft a couple weeks ago. That box holds one and the yarn on the table is another.

1. It's back to cold, damp and dreary. Whew! It's bad to be hit with SAD (Summer Affected Disorder ;-) so early in the year.

2. My parents were here for a couple days and did all sorts of helpful things including pruning all the fruits trees - especially The Hardest Working Little Peach Tree.

3. We got a couple strawberry beds planted.

4. Saint Tim and my dad got the garden cleaned up and tilled. There is cabbage, broccoli, spinach and sweet onions planted now.

5. Flowerweaver helped me and Stella get our seeds started and under grow lights. The (backwards facing) tags made from a cut up cottage cheese container are working well. Great tip!

6. All the fleeces are sorted (I said sorted, not skirted) and up off the ground. Only one is washed so far. I am in big trouble getting ready for the spring festival :-o.

7. The new floor in the wash room kicks butt.

8. And you can see the floor in the wool house once again.
I found a couple treasures while organizing the loft a couple weeks ago. That box holds one and the yarn on the table is another.
You've been a busy little farmer! Hopefully this cold weather won't ruin your early efforts. How nice that your parents come and help out. .."many hands make light work" :-)
You are cookin' and I am VERY impressed. Can't believe you can put in a garden already. It was a little over 30 here today. The garlic is about 5 inches high and the rhubarb is growing...other than that, it's going to be awhile before we can do anything.
Looks like all is well. Are you coming up north?
Makes me want to run (fly?) right over for another visit! I'm feeling pretty proud of myself; I have five of my eight 2011 fleeces skirted and sold. But I REEEEALLY need your helpers to come over to help us get our gardening season underway....
Wasn't I just there the other day? How'd the grass turn green so fast?! It was 32 degrees here this morning. I'm so moving south. Got 10 acres to spare?
Everything looks fabulous. My house is so disordered it makes me have anxiety attacks. May I come live with you for a while and enjoy the beautiful places? I'll water your seedlings!!
I think your weather looks great! This morning it is -20C with the wind chill Brrrrr.
Busy, busy, busy...I too love that new floor!!! Look at all the growing! You said you were sweating...I'm still freezing...let's meet in the middle!!
Great idea for tags. (So simple makes me wonder why I couldn't come up with that on my own!). Planting already? How nice. It snowed another couple inches last night. I still have nine weeks until we can put stuff out!
SADS...yes..we still have snow on the ground here....sigh. Spring is cold and late!
You have been really buzy! Look at those stacked bags of fleece!!
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