Originally the washroom side of the wool house was just to be a utilitarian workspace, much like a standard slop sink - not pretty, but very functional. Turns out the washroom is so functional that I spend almost more time on that side than the wool side.
On top of washing and picking wool I use it for painting, sewing, crafting, seed starting, coffee making, corgi washing and the hot water sink came in really handy while doctoring on Renny all winter. After a few months of traipsing in and out with muddy barn boots though, that utilitarian concrete floor, that really wasn't very easy (at all) to clean, was on my last good nerve.

We gots porcelain tile now! We picked a pattern that closely matches Cecil's steps out front.

Since everything was sitting out in the driveway and on the porch (much like the Clampetts) I decided to stain and varnish the work table and 2x4 drying rack.
Note that while most folk use steel wool to put a smooth finish on their projects, I used real wool. Not really. I just didn't clean it up very good ;-). That thud you just heard was probably That Andy (an excellent woodworker, soon to be coming to a blog near you) fainting dead away.

The top shelf has an extra layer of smaller wire mesh because the curly fleeces fall through the bigger holes - for anyone thinking of building one...

Here is my "new" fancy work table. I use that hole to assemble the drop spindles for our learn to spin kits. Just noticed that I sanded off my guide marks - oops. Love the color!

What I really wanted to document was my hair. Yeesh! If that ain't a look...

And the classic redneck home renovation shot - some pieces parts, a geranium cutting, some sort of tool (hey, I know how to use it, just don't know the name), bottle of wine, grout sealer, water pitcher, brush holder...and a little sunshine.

And we now return to our regularly scheduled blog pictures. Look closely at Hank. He's sleeping upside down :-).
On top of washing and picking wool I use it for painting, sewing, crafting, seed starting, coffee making, corgi washing and the hot water sink came in really handy while doctoring on Renny all winter. After a few months of traipsing in and out with muddy barn boots though, that utilitarian concrete floor, that really wasn't very easy (at all) to clean, was on my last good nerve.

We gots porcelain tile now! We picked a pattern that closely matches Cecil's steps out front.

Since everything was sitting out in the driveway and on the porch (much like the Clampetts) I decided to stain and varnish the work table and 2x4 drying rack.
Note that while most folk use steel wool to put a smooth finish on their projects, I used real wool. Not really. I just didn't clean it up very good ;-). That thud you just heard was probably That Andy (an excellent woodworker, soon to be coming to a blog near you) fainting dead away.

The top shelf has an extra layer of smaller wire mesh because the curly fleeces fall through the bigger holes - for anyone thinking of building one...

Here is my "new" fancy work table. I use that hole to assemble the drop spindles for our learn to spin kits. Just noticed that I sanded off my guide marks - oops. Love the color!

What I really wanted to document was my hair. Yeesh! If that ain't a look...

And the classic redneck home renovation shot - some pieces parts, a geranium cutting, some sort of tool (hey, I know how to use it, just don't know the name), bottle of wine, grout sealer, water pitcher, brush holder...and a little sunshine.

And we now return to our regularly scheduled blog pictures. Look closely at Hank. He's sleeping upside down :-).
Ahhhh spring cleaning, Hanks soaking up a bit of sun on this tum-tum..:-)
Your tile looks wonderful! How great to have such a neat room to work in. Love the last picture--don’t blame him :)
If I lose my farm, can I come live in your wool house???
Your washroom looks great. Here in Canada, washrooms are the room with the toilet and tub, lol. Yours is much lovelier. Even lovelier still is the green grass your sheep are eating! My sheep are on their way to your house. They wish.
love the tile! What a beaitful work space!
"They" call it progress-looks great.
Think I'll join Hank!
Good for you. What a fabulous space you have. I would assume that you have seen the last of your snow. Ours is trying to melt today.
Don't you just love having a new renovated space to call your own. Hank is sure enjoying the weather!
Great job! You and St. Tim should come tile our house--it's about as big as the washroom. Meanwhile we'll go live in the new chicken coop. Hank obviously feels at home, and is enjoying the sun!
The tile looks great. The room looks so sunny and bright. But most of all, I love the collection on the windowsill. Everyone needs a bottle of wine displayed here or there!
Sounds like you have some 'spring cleaning' energy! Send some my way ;-)
Your blog makes me, and undoubtedly many many others, feel as though we're very special friends. Thanks for sharing your world with us! For me, living in the north country, a citygal...it's fantastic to see and read details of your farm life. Coupled with your creativity in photography, written expression, and sense of humor, this blog is my favorite of all time. I'd feel so lonely without my updates!
Thanks, Sara. Keep up the good work.
OK! I'm a new follower. You have sucked me in with your sheep, your photos and your sense of humor.
I would kill for a utility room like yours. Great floor.I will be back.
Lori, here in Kentucky we never assume the snow is done! There has been snow for the Derby before....in May! I think our last frost-free day (according to the seed packets) is something like May 28!
Yes Sara, your woolhouse is the envy of all who see it. And the stuff that comes out of there is pretty cool too!
Love your new floor. Cleaning a floor that is hard to clean and keep clean is really a pain.
Love the hair-it has a certain
je ne sais quoi. ;-)
I really like the new tile floor! It will surely be much easier to upkeep and it will look clean (which is the way you like things to be.) The table stain goes well with the tile and will make you feel at home as a fiber artist when you work at it . Your silhouette looks kinda like Marge Simpson!!! Nice to see Hank sleeping while you are working away!!
Great job on the tile! Looks really good! Your window looks like mine! Except mine would probably have some spiderwed in the corner. lol
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