The Mia sized version of the Boudreaux sized blog. This is mostly a BACK UP BLOG and a smaller version for smaller screens if the main blog is too hard to navigate. For complete posts, giveaways, corrected grammar and punctuation, the "rest of the story" and any additional posts that might not make it over here for some reason, please check the BOUDREAUX SIZED BLOG :-).


Thursday, March 28, 2013

First Day Of Lamb Camp

These Babydoll Southdown lambs at Bergamascos' Babydoll Brigade should definitely come with a cuteness overload warning!  Let's just go ahead and get the head splort over with with a big teefy grin :-).

I think he/she was just finishing yawning as I got a couple normal looking shots a second or two before and after...but you gotta go teefers, eh? :-D

Babydolls are small sheep.

Known for their big smiles :-).

Think Michelle loves her lambies? :-) 

They're good mommas.

With sweet babies.

And big mouths when one triplet isn't listening to her momma!

Little Chunky Monkeys with chubby cheeks.

I want to be that lambie.

All the lambs have colorful collars that match their mother's collars.  Practical and adorable.

More pictures tomorrow and Michelle posts daily pictures on her facebook page if you can't wait :-).

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