Shermie got his big boy hair cut today.

The first shearing is always shocking.

Mostly to me. I miss their cute fuzzy faces.

And I'll especially miss Sherman's chubby cheeks. He kept his eyes squeezed shut the whole time, but he didn't seem too terribly concerned.

Nothing really seems to faze B. Willard either. I guess with a name like that...

Freshly shorn lambs always make me think of that Far Side cartoon.

"...Bobby just got sheared today."

Hey watch it. I heard that.
Keebler, Graham Lamb, Buddy, Woolliam and Rebecca Boone all got a little off the top as well. Keebler of course had to have a little extra special attention afterward, but that's a story for tomorrow.
They always look like completely different animals don't they?
Oh, everyone looks so handsome! I little manscaping never hurt anyone. That Far Side is my all time favorite-it hangs on my fridge. Can't wait to see how everyone else fared.
That's 'A' little manscaping.
Awe! They are so cute!
TOO cute! You don't normally shear this late in the year, do you???
The longwools get shorn twice a year. I sheared the two lambs
because, well, B. Willard is a longwools so he was due anyway.
Sherman has a fine (but a bit tippy) lamb fleece, so I had him sheared
so his spring clip would be nice and easy to use.
*giggles* They look so cute though, even if B. Willard looks a little put out by having his first shearing done... :)
Lambs are cute. Looks like a professional crew, too.
They all look great, and must be much more comfortable. We had another hot one up here...did you?
Such well behaved sheepjes! Beautiful too :-)
Boy, look at those ears now! :)
They should feel cooler! Here they shear in early March. I always wonder how they stay warm as March is still a very cold month.
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