Maybe, just maybe, this will be our last super hot week? Right? It can't stay in the 90's forever can it? Right? Don't make me plead...

Aside from watching someone else shear sheep (tomorrow's post :-), the best thing to do when it's so hot is jump in the pool. I'm not the only animal on the farm that thinks so. The bees are hot and thirsty as well.
In the late summer when it's so hot and dry, their natural water sources either completely dry up or become "icky". The pool looks to be an ideal spot for them to gather up water to take back to help cool their hives. However, without something solid to land on, they are unable to get back out of the water and sadly drown.
I've been told you can't have bees if you have a pool and if you have bees, you can't have a pool. As I truly enjoy our bees and would probably shoot myself if I couldn't jump into the pool, we had to work out a suitable compromise.

One of our pool floaties works just fine.
I took Sunday afternoon off to float around in the cool water and re-read A Book Of Bees by Sue Hubbell. There are many good bee books out there, but this is one of my favorites. I like her common sense and bee sense. While I was reading, one of our bees came and sat on my shoulder. She stayed for so long I decided she must be reading along and I wished I could hear her opinion.
If you have a way to provide some much needed water for not only the bees, but also the birds and other small animals in your backyard, I encourage you to do so. And a rock or a simple stick floating in your bird bath would be much appreciated.

Aside from watching someone else shear sheep (tomorrow's post :-), the best thing to do when it's so hot is jump in the pool. I'm not the only animal on the farm that thinks so. The bees are hot and thirsty as well.
In the late summer when it's so hot and dry, their natural water sources either completely dry up or become "icky". The pool looks to be an ideal spot for them to gather up water to take back to help cool their hives. However, without something solid to land on, they are unable to get back out of the water and sadly drown.
I've been told you can't have bees if you have a pool and if you have bees, you can't have a pool. As I truly enjoy our bees and would probably shoot myself if I couldn't jump into the pool, we had to work out a suitable compromise.

One of our pool floaties works just fine.
I took Sunday afternoon off to float around in the cool water and re-read A Book Of Bees by Sue Hubbell. There are many good bee books out there, but this is one of my favorites. I like her common sense and bee sense. While I was reading, one of our bees came and sat on my shoulder. She stayed for so long I decided she must be reading along and I wished I could hear her opinion.
If you have a way to provide some much needed water for not only the bees, but also the birds and other small animals in your backyard, I encourage you to do so. And a rock or a simple stick floating in your bird bath would be much appreciated.
Oh-my-gosh, this morning I tried to grab a snapshot of the wasp who has found the cats' water bowl kept almost in the middle of the west porch to keep it out of the sun. He stands on his head to get refreshment. Alas, wasps are not as friendly as bees, so he scooted every time I got too close. You have sweet bees :)
I've added a rock to rescue the bees from my bird bath. Thanks for throwing them a life preserver! ;-)
Sue Hubbell's book is the one that got me started in beekeeping--you're right, she is practical and easy to read and learn from. Its one of the few books I've read several times from cover to cover.
You are so kind to share with them..and allow them reading material too:)
Hey Sara...It was nasty hot here today too...but our pool was filled in last year and I roasted. Tomorrow it is supposed to be even hotter. Boo....hissssss.
It's been so bloody hot here that I sure wish I had a pool too !
Let's hope for some relief! I have a nice, flat rock in my bird bath for the bees. They've been flocking (swarming? bathing?) alot in this dreadful weather. That is one of my favorite books as well - I enjoy all of her writings.
I'm guilty of even putting blades of grass in water for the ants!
I've been eyeballing that book on Amazon for a while and wondered if it was good.
You are a true earth mother! I always, always enjoy coming here and seeing what new and interesting thing I can learn.
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