I'm still not quite sure what to think about the big cat "loose" in the neighborhood. While I'd like to believe it's all a hoax, I finally got to see a picture of the surveillance photo this morning and boy, I'd sure like to find a copy of it somewhere else on the internet somewhere to prove it's a ruse.

In the meantime, while we were out on the porch eating dinner (for the first time all summer!), I noticed Comby out doing a little hunting of his own. Good thing he remembered to take his bodyguard :-).

Here's the "game warden's shot" I think taken of a printed copy.

OH GOOD GRIEF!!! I go out partying ONE NIGHT and look what happens!

In the meantime, while we were out on the porch eating dinner (for the first time all summer!), I noticed Comby out doing a little hunting of his own. Good thing he remembered to take his bodyguard :-).

Here's the "game warden's shot" I think taken of a printed copy.

OH GOOD GRIEF!!! I go out partying ONE NIGHT and look what happens!
Well, they say there is a Kangaroo loose in our area. The story is somebody bought 2 and somebody else came along and opened the enclosure. One was hit by a vehicle and they don't know where the other one is. Maybe taken and maybe out on it's own. The rest of the story is they went and bought 2 more. Don't want to come across the Kangaroo or the BIG CAT.
Gotta love a dog that has a cat as a bodyguard!
Now that would be a little scary. I need one of those cats as a body guard. My dogs would run the other way too!
We have alot of coyotes around this time of year. The little ones are grown and Mom is teaching them to hunt. Keeps the LGD's on their toes.
I would bet that Hank would be able to pick up his scent and movements before he got too close to the animals. His barking may not scare off the prey but you would surely hear it well before he got inside the barn. Guess you aren't going too far until he's caught or the rumor is fully squashed. ;-/
Who is this game warden? Can't they figure out if it's real or hoax by questioning him? I would think you are not the only one worried. There are some expensive horses in your area...
Well! Well. I hope the whole thing clears up soon. Having your jaguar loose is one thing. Setting up a hoax is quite another. In our vicinity it is illegal to own exotic pets. I always thought it was a stupid law, but maybe. . .
Gotta love that cat! And Coomby is never one to not understand just what the conditions call for.
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