It's no secret I'm sick of this horribly hot summer weather. I'm obviously stressed about the possibility of an unusual predator in the area that might find my young, old, fat and otherwise defenseless sheep family (who are also sick of this horribly hot summer weather) and their loyal guardian dog who would most likely die trying to defend them.
As Istaggered walked out to the mailbox the other day - toting my twice daily bucket of water to dump on the brave flowers trying to hang on through this horribly hot summer weather - I thought to myself "I hope there's something fun in the mail today."
And there was!
Michelle from Boulderneigh (one of my favorite blogs) had a huge drawing last week. I won one of the prizes and she mailed me not one, not two, but four Interweave Knits magazines. I was thrilled. It was just what I needed.
She had done another giveaway a year or so ago (Pay It Forward) where - I might not get this exactly right - the gist of it was you signed on to gift something to someone else, who in turn would gift something on... As Stella, new beekeeper Phyllis and I went around (in this horribly hot summer weather) checking beehives this morning, I knew what I wanted to do.

I'm going to send two jars of honey out to Oregon. Michelle may keep one for herself and gift the other to someone she knows who could use a sweet treat (because she's sweet like that). If you'd like to play along, leave a comment on this post and Sunday night I'll draw two names. I'll contact the lucky winners (make sure I know how to do so if you are "anonymous") and send on a surprise jar of honey to the person of your choice.
The rain, sun (yes, even the stupid hot sun), flowers, bees, beekeepers, bloggers and commenters can all do a little to Pay It this horribly hot summer weather (I may have already said that :-).
As I
And there was!
Michelle from Boulderneigh (one of my favorite blogs) had a huge drawing last week. I won one of the prizes and she mailed me not one, not two, but four Interweave Knits magazines. I was thrilled. It was just what I needed.
She had done another giveaway a year or so ago (Pay It Forward) where - I might not get this exactly right - the gist of it was you signed on to gift something to someone else, who in turn would gift something on... As Stella, new beekeeper Phyllis and I went around (in this horribly hot summer weather) checking beehives this morning, I knew what I wanted to do.

I'm going to send two jars of honey out to Oregon. Michelle may keep one for herself and gift the other to someone she knows who could use a sweet treat (because she's sweet like that). If you'd like to play along, leave a comment on this post and Sunday night I'll draw two names. I'll contact the lucky winners (make sure I know how to do so if you are "anonymous") and send on a surprise jar of honey to the person of your choice.
The rain, sun (yes, even the stupid hot sun), flowers, bees, beekeepers, bloggers and commenters can all do a little to Pay It this horribly hot summer weather (I may have already said that :-).
What a lovely idea! I would love to enter in. Waiting for fall in NYS.
I sure would luv some of your fabulous honey but maybe Ontario is too far to send a glass jar :-)
I'll trade send some sun and I'l send some rain. I'll also send you some pinto beans.
Sara...count me in. I'd like to pay it forward with some organic garlic. How are we going to go about this?
You're doing yours different ('cause we all know you're the creative type ;-) but I love your idea! And your sweetness in sending me some "Kentucky gold" is making my eyes water a little . . . it might be allergies, but I don't think so. And I know just who to share the extra jar with, a fiber and horse friend who is laid up at home after knee replacement surgery. I promised her a visit, and I'll take her a surprise! Thank-you SO much!
Excellent idea! Count me in! :)
Nothing like golden honey from the hot country to remind me that yes, there IS such thing as warmth and sunshine. We've had a very rainy summer and I feel like I am growing webs between my toes!
I have a friend in mind should I be a lucky winner. (:
Canada's do-able I would think ;-). Good luck!
I like your bee-attitude!
I'd like to play along too if it isn't too late.
RANDOM.ORG picked Susan and DayPhoto. Congrats :-D
Yay!!!! I know the perfect recipient - I just have to find her new address! You are so sweet to make this happen. I hope you get some relief down there - our heat wave finally broke last night. For a while.
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