Butterfly party at the wool house yesterday afternoon. I've not seen any Monarchs this year :-/. Tons of these though.

Remember you can always click to biggify.

On my computer I get a magnifying glass with a plus sign in the middle of the picture and I can click that to get even biggierfied ;-).

A trifecta. Do folks in other states use that term or is that a more regional phrase due to the racing industry around here (and other states of course)?

The butterfly bush is really bringing them in. Heck, it brings me in. I love the smell, even sitting on the porch 10 feet away. Does it really smell like grapes or is that a mind trick because the flowers are purple?
That's Mia baa-ing at the end. The four lambs were over checking out the chicken house with Keebs egging them on. B. Willard is the only one who can (currently) fit through the chicken door so I think they are working on some modifications.
I'm afraid to go out to the barn sometimes.

Remember you can always click to biggify.

On my computer I get a magnifying glass with a plus sign in the middle of the picture and I can click that to get even biggierfied ;-).

A trifecta. Do folks in other states use that term or is that a more regional phrase due to the racing industry around here (and other states of course)?

The butterfly bush is really bringing them in. Heck, it brings me in. I love the smell, even sitting on the porch 10 feet away. Does it really smell like grapes or is that a mind trick because the flowers are purple?
That's Mia baa-ing at the end. The four lambs were over checking out the chicken house with Keebs egging them on. B. Willard is the only one who can (currently) fit through the chicken door so I think they are working on some modifications.
I'm afraid to go out to the barn sometimes.
Those are such beautiful butterflies! I have only seen small white ones and the Monarchs here. I do have a lovely family of 5 Bluejays (3 youngins and mom and pop) that lives in my apple tree and come to my porch for peanuts everyday along with my two chippies :-))
Beautiful pictures as always....I have never seen butterflies like those. I think I have seen one or two Monarchs while working in my veggie garden but thats been it this year.
So what kind of butterflies ARE they? (I was able to do the double-biggify, too; very cool!)
They are beautiful! I love being able to biggify them. Those lambs sure are busy, aren't they?
Positively brilliant colors made even more so when you biggerfy the photos. Is it due to the new lens?
I could hear the sheep in the background are they looking for seed treats or is that where you stash the 'nilla wafers?
Breathtakingly beautiful photos, Sara! When I double biggified, I could even see the powder on the beautiful wings of those gorgeous butterflies!
I may just have to get myself a butterfly bush...
Oh yes, and a Lilac TREE! ;-)
I have thought long and hard about getting a couple of butterfly bushes...now I know I want to plant two.
Where you live is very similar to the west side of Oregon...green, lush etc (and they have lots of butterflies). Here on the east side, we get very few...maybe if I got a butterfly bush?!?
Uh, no, gtyyup. I LIVE on the west side of Oregon. Yes, it's lush and green for most of three seasons, but the summer and early fall is dry and brown except for the trees. Sara enjoys that lovely, lush green grass year-round -- we only lust for it!
Actually, we can be pretty dry a lot of late summers and early falls. The butterfly bush doesn't seem to mind too much though ;-).
Very cool. We have the subspecies arizonensis here of the Red Spotted Purple. Yours must be the astyanax.
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