I've been hiding in the wool house during the heat of the day(s). As I got ready to head in for dinner, I glanced over the front field and saw something I thought I'd never see.

I tried to silently run get my camera and sneak back and snapped this picture through the fence just in case Hank woke up or the sheep decided to make a run for the barn...

When I'm faced with a once in a lifetime photo opp, I try to always switch my camera to program mode so someone smarter than me is setting my exposure... I knew it was just a matter of seconds before someone blew my cover.

I wish I'd set the aperture myself though so both Hank and Esther were in focus. I got so caught up in the moment and it never crossed my mind to think for myself ;-).
How sweet Hank looked sleeping up on the hill overlooking his sheep. And right next to the one sheep who would need the most protection. The one sheep I thought would never recognize Hank as an ally and let him lie down with her.


I tried to silently run get my camera and sneak back and snapped this picture through the fence just in case Hank woke up or the sheep decided to make a run for the barn...

When I'm faced with a once in a lifetime photo opp, I try to always switch my camera to program mode so someone smarter than me is setting my exposure... I knew it was just a matter of seconds before someone blew my cover.

I wish I'd set the aperture myself though so both Hank and Esther were in focus. I got so caught up in the moment and it never crossed my mind to think for myself ;-).
How sweet Hank looked sleeping up on the hill overlooking his sheep. And right next to the one sheep who would need the most protection. The one sheep I thought would never recognize Hank as an ally and let him lie down with her.

Awwww that is sooo cute!!!! Those are the best pics...I love reading and following your blog :)
Such a precious photo. You have such a wonderfully relaxing farm. It must bring you a lot of joy.
Awww is right! You did a great job with the camera!
I'm so happy for Hank!!!
How sweet it is.....
That is a really sweet picture. What a wonderful moment you have captured :-)
You really captured that Kodak moment. Just maybe, Esther is watching over Hank for a change. what a difference a year makes! ;-)
Awwww, how sweet is that? Willa is still too much of a wild child to get that close.
Oh my goodness, Hank and Esther, lord knows they both could use a few moments today for a rest >> along with their mommy...
That is a precious moment.
Precious! I know how hard it is to capture moments like that with animals...you did a fine job!
Definite AWWWW
Sweet ol' Hank! Love those Pond shots too!
You are right AWWWWWWWWW..
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