...and her amazingly large web.

You'll need to double biggify this to see where the web attaches to the corn crib. For reference, the tall sunflower stands almost 8 feet tall.

Big enough to be a beautiful, but sort of creepy, lace weight shawl.

The biggest writing spider web I've ever seen.

Do you see Marge Simpson's hairdo?
I probably watch too much tv.

You'll need to double biggify this to see where the web attaches to the corn crib. For reference, the tall sunflower stands almost 8 feet tall.

Big enough to be a beautiful, but sort of creepy, lace weight shawl.

The biggest writing spider web I've ever seen.

Do you see Marge Simpson's hairdo?
I probably watch too much tv.
THAT is a web with it's own zipcode! She could use a GPS or AAA Trip-tic to find her way around. Amazing job, Marge! Hope it traps lots of good things to eat!
so cool! love it! noticed you have diamond mesh fencing...anyone you know that can install it? i need some for the farm and i am only a couple of hours from you. had a company from lex install my 4 board but they were high...thanks!
WOW OH WOW that is some web. I love this time of year, and as it gets closer to cooler weather and the spiders begin to spin more and more webs around and the dew kisses them so that they are seen. Awesome pics as usual :)
Coming close I see
A spider web
Made just for me.
There in the middle
Playing a fiddle
was Marge the designer apree.
Excellent Linda :-D.
I think she DOES have her own zip code on Iris Lane ;-).
Darryl Dennie has done all our fencing and he does travel. If you'd like his contact info, drop me an email. thecrazysheeplady aT gmail dOt com.
Wow! Imagine walking into that? I like spiders, but I think that would give me a shiver or two.
Love the name you gave her :) Spider's and their webs are amazing!
Oh WOW!! Fantastic shot of the spider, she is one busy lady, with a web that bif Grahm better watch out..;-)
She's lovely. As I've said before, our spiders lack architectural sensibility--except for the ones that build funnels--they are just masses of chaos. Maybe I'll try to get some pics of mine to post for comparison.
I had a "Marge" in my garden this summer too. As the summer wore on it grew bigger and more beautiful. I loved that spider. Then one day it was just gone. Wondering if the birds ate it? There are some baby ones here and there on webs of their own. Wondering...
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