With confidence - this is the sampler pattern from my Intro to Lace Knitting class a couple weeks ago. I knew I could complete it, but also knew I'd still learn something new if I did. I did. The yarn is some of Dianne's Sheep Dreams yarn and was wonderful to work with.

I love blocking wool :-).

And hope - my initial concerns had mostly centered around if I had enough white yarn spun to complete the body and sleeves of my Jester sweater. A recent development is my new, much bigger concern.

Jester came out of spring shearing with a huge swelling under his neck. We assumed he'd just gotten injured somehow, but called the vet out anyway. He drew some fluid off and said it appeared to be a big hematoma and that it would most likely go down in 4 to 6 weeks. It didn't. We talked some more. Stumped.
I decided to get another opinion and the second vet thinks it's a tumor on his thyroid gland. Only one side of the thyroid gland is swollen, which would basically rule out a dietary issue. It's pushing his trachea to one side. Far to one side. At this point it's not affecting his breathing, but I suppose it could if it got so tight it collapsed. The other concern is if it does get that tight it might affect his ability to regurgitate for rumination.
I realize keeping sheep into their geriatric years is always a challenge and a challenge that always ends in heartbreak even when they aren't super special, as Jester is. This might go for a long time before it really affects him, but I'm going to knit as quickly as I can (which is still way slower than real knitters)...with more hope than confidence.
"Knit on with confidence and hope, through all crises." Elizabeth Zimmermann

I love blocking wool :-).

And hope - my initial concerns had mostly centered around if I had enough white yarn spun to complete the body and sleeves of my Jester sweater. A recent development is my new, much bigger concern.

Jester came out of spring shearing with a huge swelling under his neck. We assumed he'd just gotten injured somehow, but called the vet out anyway. He drew some fluid off and said it appeared to be a big hematoma and that it would most likely go down in 4 to 6 weeks. It didn't. We talked some more. Stumped.
I decided to get another opinion and the second vet thinks it's a tumor on his thyroid gland. Only one side of the thyroid gland is swollen, which would basically rule out a dietary issue. It's pushing his trachea to one side. Far to one side. At this point it's not affecting his breathing, but I suppose it could if it got so tight it collapsed. The other concern is if it does get that tight it might affect his ability to regurgitate for rumination.
I realize keeping sheep into their geriatric years is always a challenge and a challenge that always ends in heartbreak even when they aren't super special, as Jester is. This might go for a long time before it really affects him, but I'm going to knit as quickly as I can (which is still way slower than real knitters)...with more hope than confidence.
"Knit on with confidence and hope, through all crises." Elizabeth Zimmermann
What a show off! How beautiful.
Sorry to read about Jester. Can it be removed?
Beautiful lace. Is it Estonian or Ruthenian? (grin) Sorry to hear about Jester. I guess I wonder if the tumor can be removed, too.
Knitting with Jester's fleece will maybe keep you focused and occupied while praying for a resolution for your beloved sheep.
Your knitting sample is beautiful. I hope you frame it.
The lace is beautiful...it gives me hope that someday I will actually learn to knit lace myself :)
I am so sorry to hear about Jester. Hopefully it will fix itself or something can be done about it *hugs*
Oh yes; frame that beautiful lace on a dark "velvet" matteboard background (which will help hold it in place as well as set it off stunningly; I did that with some of my grandma's doilies). Hugs to you and Jester....
Awe, poor Jester. Sure wish they could live forever.
Your lace is beautiful.
He's at least 10, so too old to really want to chance anything. At that point, the "cure" might be worse than the actual problem. So far he's okay and we are just going to watch it and hope for the best.
So sorry to hear about Jester. I completely understand how you feel. I was just thinking yesterday with this extreme heat, that having geriatric livestock is just so hard. There is only so much I can do to relieve them...and it was the same way over the brutally cold winter. I've got about 4 or 5 sheep that are pushing the years (11, 10, 9) and my eight remaining chickens are all six years or older. I know that you will do the best for Jester, but also I know it's never easy to make those decisions.
I hope Jester recovers....so sorry.
The lace knitting is so elegant and pretty with wool.
You could also mount the lace on a piece (your choice of shape)of dark felted wool.
How old was Jester when you got him? Hoping for the best.
beautiful, just wonderful that it's from Jester. Yes, at his age, no need to put him through anything traumatic, hugs to Jester.
So sorry to hear about Jester. That is the hard thing about people with fur or feathers...they just don't get to live long enough. Ever. It's always too soon over/over too soon.
I always tell myself, but in the be plan, they have/had the very best life I could give them.
I'm so sorry to hear about Jester. The lace is so pretty! Sending you confidence and hope.
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