The lion, tiger, jaguar, cougar and yes, even liger story has not cleared itself up. We've finally made the Lexington TV news and here is a link to the story. With video.
a. So, now we have a definitive answer on whether or not the photo was really taken just over the hill from us.
b. I agree that the type of injuries on the dogs don't seem to match what I'd think a cat would inflict. And why would it not outright kill the dog and drag it off to eat?
c. However, if you notice the height of the grass in the video and match it to the picture of "big cat", if it was indeed a house cat, the grass would be up to his belly wouldn't it?

I'm just not sure...
a. So, now we have a definitive answer on whether or not the photo was really taken just over the hill from us.
b. I agree that the type of injuries on the dogs don't seem to match what I'd think a cat would inflict. And why would it not outright kill the dog and drag it off to eat?
c. However, if you notice the height of the grass in the video and match it to the picture of "big cat", if it was indeed a house cat, the grass would be up to his belly wouldn't it?

I'm just not sure...
With us only being a few hours away from you, I HAVE seen a mountain lion in the wild. I wouldn't put it past them to travel that far. Im with you. I think it looks like a wild cat too.
The shape of it--tail, flank, length of leg, etc just doesn't look very much like a domestic cat. Hope that the mystery is solved soon, I know it has to be worrisome.
Um, is that a fence behind it? If it is, then that's one heck of a big cat! And I agree with Tammy, it just doesn't have the stature of a regular house cat.
I have been watching stories similar to yours on a TV show called Monsterquest. I also had one of the neighbourhood cats at the end of my driveway the other night and I thought it was a racoon (which can be pretty big around these parts). Looks can be deceiving. I truly hope it's not a big cat!
Sure doesn't have the characteristics of any domestic cat I've ever seen...spooky!
You would think with today's technology, they would have a camera that was in color, with better resolution than the ones that they used. If they can't discern any more than a 4 legged creature with a tail, and fur, then what is the point? Be careful anyway, because whatever it is, it is still out there and probably not domestic.
If it truly is a big cat, you'd think more people would see it and/or report losses, because it's GOT to be hungry. And if it was raised by humans and has been kept in captivity all its life, you'd think it would be an inept hunter at best, and maybe seek out humans because that's who has provided its food in the past. But that ain't no housecat....
It wasn't that many weeks ago that there were persistent news reports of some sort of wild cat (I am sorry I don't remember what they said it was)supposedly roaming the Winburn neighborhood in north Lexington. The story lines were the same and the city or someone even went so far as to send the KY Fish and Game people out to investigate. The news reports finally subsided without the capture of any large cat. Hmmmmmm.
I've had Punkin's Patch blog withdrawl... My computer has been acting weird so I've had to depend on my phone. Jason fixed it tonight and the internet is working, but slowly. That cat thing is weird. If someone made it up, they need to be flogged!
I agree with Alice...the resolution seems awfully poor. Most photos do better than that. And what about the "in color" finger to the left. Definitely looks like a large wild cat, but I wonder if it is really in that setting? Keep your animals safe just in case.
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